Salvatore Venticinque
Salvatore Venticinque
Associate Professor, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
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An automated tool for smart water network partitioning
A Di Nardo, M Di Natale, GF Santonastaso, S Venticinque
Water resources management 27, 4493-4508, 2013
Experiences in building a mOSAIC of clouds
D Petcu, BD Martino, S Venticinque, M Rak, T Máhr, GE Lopez, F Brito, ...
Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications 2, 1-22, 2013
A cloud agency for SLA negotiation and management
S Venticinque, R Aversa, B Di Martino, M Rak, D Petcu
Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops: HeteroPar, HPCC, HiBB, CoreGrid …, 2011
Cloud application monitoring: The mosaic approach
M Rak, S Venticinque, G Echevarria, G Esnal
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2011
Cloud agency: A mobile agent based cloud system
R Aversa, B Di Martino, M Rak, S Venticinque
2010 international conference on complex, intelligent and software intensive …, 2010
A methodology for deployment of IoT application in fog
S Venticinque, A Amato
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, 1955-1976, 2019
An SLA-based broker for cloud infrastructures
A Cuomo, G Di Modica, S Distefano, A Puliafito, M Rak, O Tomarchio, ...
Journal of grid computing 11, 1-25, 2013
Architecturing a sky computing platform
D Petcu, C Crăciun, M Neagul, S Panica, B Di Martino, S Venticinque, ...
Towards a Service-Based Internet. ServiceWave 2010 Workshops: International …, 2011
Agents based cloud computing interface for resource provisioning and management
S Venticinque, L Tasquier, B Di Martino
2012 Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software …, 2012
A distributed scheduling framework based on selfish autonomous agents for federated cloud environments
F Palmieri, L Buonanno, S Venticinque, R Aversa, B Di Martino
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (6), 1461-1472, 2013
Magda: A mobile agent based grid architecture
R Aversa, B Di Martino, N Mazzocca, S Venticinque
Journal of Grid Computing 4, 395-412, 2006
Multi-objective decision support for brokering of cloud sla
A Amato, S Venticinque
2013 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2013
Agent based Cloud provisioning and management
S Venticinque, R Aversa, B Di Martino, D Petcu
Design and Prototypal Implementation, CLOSER 2011, 184-191, 2011
Cloud brokering as a service
A Amato, B Di Martino, S Venticinque
2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and …, 2013
Performance prediction through simulation of a hybrid MPI/OpenMP application
R Aversa, B Di Martino, M Rak, S Venticinque, U Villano
Parallel Computing 31 (10-12), 1013-1033, 2005
An Ontology for the Cloud in mOSAIC
F Moscato, R Aversa, B Di Martino, D Petcu, M Rak, S Venticinque
Cloud Computing: Methodology, System, and Applications 1, 467-485, 2011
Graph partitioning for automatic sectorization of a water distribution system
A Di Nardo, M Di Natale, GF Santonastaso, S Venticinque
Proceedings of CCWI, 6, 2011
Performance prediction for HPC on clouds
R Aversa, B Di Martino, M Rak, S Venticinque, U Villano
Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms, 437-456, 2011
Sla negotiation and brokering for sky computing
A Amato, L Liccardo, M Rak, S Venticinque
Security Governance and SLAs in Cloud Computing 2, 611-620, 2012
Qos management in cloud@ home infrastructures
S Distefano, A Puliafito, M Rak, S Venticinque, U Villano, A Cuomo, ...
2011 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and …, 2011
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Articles 1–20