John Richardson
John Richardson
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Cited by
Cited by
Sentencepiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for neural text processing
T Kudo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.06226, 2018
Lingvo: a modular and scalable framework for sequence-to-sequence modeling
J Shen, P Nguyen, Y Wu, Z Chen, MX Chen, Y Jia, A Kannan, T Sainath, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08295, 2019
Toll-like receptor 4 ablation in mdx mice reveals innate immunity as a therapeutic target in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
C Giordano, K Mojumdar, F Liang, C Lemaire, T Li, J Richardson, ...
Human molecular genetics 24 (8), 2147-2162, 2015
Sentencepiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for neural text processing. arXiv 2018
T Kudo, J Richardson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.06226, 1808
A Japanese chess commentary corpus
S Mori, J Richardson, A Ushiku, T Sasada, H Kameko, Y Tsuruoka
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
SentencePiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for Neural Text Processing. CoRR abs/1808.06226 (2018)
T Kudo, J Richardson
URL: http://arxiv. org/abs/1808.06226, 1808
Robust transliteration mining from comparable corpora with bilingual topic models
J Richardson, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2013
Kyotoebmt: An example-based dependency-to-dependency translation framework
J Richardson, F Cromières, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2014
KyotoEBMT System Description for the 2nd Workshop on Asian Translation
J Richardson, R Dabre, C Chu, F Cromières, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2015), 54-60, 2015
Pivot-based topic models for low-resource lexicon extraction
J Richardson, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and …, 2015
Bilingual Dictionary Construction with Transliteration Filtering.
J Richardson, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
LREC, 1013-1017, 2014
SentencePiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for Neural Text Processing, August 2018
T Kudo, J Richardson
Cited on, 37, 0
Project Next における機械翻訳の誤り分析
赤部晃一, 工藤拓, R John, 中澤敏明, 星野翔
言語処理学会第 19 回年次大会ワークショップ 「自然言語処理におけるエラー分析」 発表 …, 2015
The distribution of terrestrial vertebrate fauna in the Montebello Islands.
J Richardson, G Watson, G Kregor
Conservation Science Western Australia 5 (3), 2006
A Generalized Dependency Tree Language Model for SMT
J Richardson, T Kudo, H Kazawa, S Kurohashi
Information and Media Technologies 11, 213-235, 2016
KyotoEBMT System Description for the 1st Workshop on Asian Translation
J Richardson, F Cromieres, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Asian Translation, 2014
The flora and fauna of Legendre Island.
J Richardson, FJ Stanley, PG Kendrick, G Kregor
Conservation Science Western Australia 6 (1), 2007
Change in the rangelands of the Gascoyne-Murchison.
I Watson, J Richardson, P Thomas, D Shepherd
Insertion position selection model for flexible non-terminals in dependency tree-to-tree machine translation
T Nakazawa, J Richardson, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2016
Flexible non-terminals for dependency tree-to-tree reordering
J Richardson, F Cromières, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2016
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Articles 1–20