John Mitchell
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Cited by
Mn 3 s exchange splitting in mixed-valence manganites
VR Galakhov, M Demeter, S Bartkowski, M Neumann, NA Ovechkina, ...
Phys Rev B 65, 113102, 2002
Magnetic Excitation Spectra of Probed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering: Establishing Links to Cuprate Superconductors
J Kim, D Casa, MH Upton, T Gog, YJ Kim, JF Mitchell, M Van Veenendaal, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (17), 177003, 2012
Structural phase diagram of : Relationship to magnetic and transport properties
JF Mitchell, DN Argyriou, CD Potter, DG Hinks, JD Jorgensen, SD Bader
physical Review B 54 (9), 6172, 1996
Direct evidence for dominant bond-directional interactions in a honeycomb lattice iridate Na2IrO3
S Hwan Chun, JW Kim, J Kim, H Zheng, CC Stoumpos, CD Malliakas, ...
Nature Physics 11 (6), 462-466, 2015
Structure and superconductivity of HgBa2CuO4+ δ
JL Wagner, PG Radaelli, DG Hinks, JD Jorgensen, JF Mitchell, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 210 (3-4), 447-454, 1993
Tricritical Point and the Doping Dependence of the Order <?format ?>of the Ferromagnetic Phase Transition of
D Kim, B Revaz, BL Zink, F Hellman, JJ Rhyne, JF Mitchell
Physical review letters 89 (22), 227202, 2002
Fermi arcs in a doped pseudospin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet
YK Kim, O Krupin, JD Denlinger, A Bostwick, E Rotenberg, Q Zhao, ...
Science 345 (6193), 187-190, 2014
Nodal quasiparticle in pseudogapped colossal magnetoresistive manganites
N Mannella, WL Yang, XJ Zhou, H Zheng, JF Mitchell, J Zaanen, ...
Nature 438 (7067), 474-478, 2005
Charge delocalization and structural response in layered : Enhanced distortion in the metallic regime
JF Mitchell, DN Argyriou, JD Jorgensen, DG Hinks, CD Potter, SD Bader
Physical Review B 55 (1), 63, 1997
Ultrasharp magnetization steps in perovskite manganites
R Mahendiran, A Maignan, S Hébert, C Martin, M Hervieu, B Raveau, ...
Physical review letters 89 (28), 286602, 2002
Intergranular giant magnetoresistance in a spontaneously phase separated perovskite oxide
J Wu, JW Lynn, CJ Glinka, J Burley, H Zheng, JF Mitchell, C Leighton
Physical review letters 94 (3), 037201, 2005
Charge Melting and Polaron Collapse in
L Vasiliu-Doloc, S Rosenkranz, R Osborn, SK Sinha, JW Lynn, J Mesot, ...
Physical review letters 83 (21), 4393, 1999
Orbital Correlations in the Pseudocubic and Rhombohedral Phases of
X Qiu, T Proffen, JF Mitchell, SJL Billinge
Physical review letters 94 (17), 177203, 2005
Dynamically stable active sites from surface evolution of perovskite materials during the oxygen evolution reaction
PP Lopes, DY Chung, X Rui, H Zheng, H He, ...
Journal of the American chemical society 143 (7), 2741-2750, 2021
Large orbital polarization in a metallic square-planar nickelate
J Zhang, AS Botana, JW Freeland, D Phelan, H Zheng, V Pardo, ...
Nature Physics 13 (9), 864-869, 2017
Phase separation and low-field bulk magnetic properties of
IG Deac, JF Mitchell, P Schiffer
Physical Review B 63 (17), 172408, 2001
Nanomagnetic Droplets and Implications to Orbital Ordering in
D Phelan, D Louca, S Rosenkranz, SH Lee, Y Qiu, PJ Chupas, R Osborn, ...
Physical review letters 96 (2), 027201, 2006
Mesoscopic and microscopic phase segregation in manganese perovskites
PG Radaelli, RM Ibberson, DN Argyriou, H Casalta, KH Andersen, ...
Physical Review B 63 (17), 172419, 2001
Driving magnetic order in a manganite by ultrafast lattice excitation
M Först, RI Tobey, S Wall, H Bromberger, V Khanna, AL Cavalieri, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (24), 241104, 2011
Interplay of spin and orbital ordering in the layered colossal magnetoresistance manganite
CD Ling, JE Millburn, JF Mitchell, DN Argyriou, J Linton, HN Bordallo
Physical Review B 62 (22), 15096, 2000
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Articles 1–20