James J Murphy
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Cited by
A meta-analysis of hypothetical bias in stated preference valuation
JJ Murphy, PG Allen, TH Stevens, D Weatherhead
Environmental and Resource Economics 30, 313-325, 2005
Is cheap talk effective at eliminating hypothetical bias in a provision point mechanism?
JJ Murphy, T Stevens, D Weatherhead
Environmental and Resource economics 30, 327-343, 2005
The Design of``Smart''Water Market Institutions Using Laboratory Experiments
JJ Murphy, A Dinar, RE Howitt, SJ Rassenti, VL Smith
Environmental and Resource Economics 17, 375-394, 2000
What motivates common pool resource users? Experimental evidence from the field
MA Velez, JK Stranlund, JJ Murphy
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 70 (3), 485-497, 2009
Contingent valuation, hypothetical bias, and experimental economics
JJ Murphy, TH Stevens
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 33 (2), 182-192, 2004
US military expenditures to protect the use of Persian Gulf oil for motor vehicles
MA Delucchi, JJ Murphy
Energy Policy 36 (6), 2253-2264, 2008
The health and visibility cost of air pollution: a comparison of estimation methods
MA Delucchi, JJ Murphy, DR McCubbin
Journal of environmental management 64 (2), 139-152, 2002
Centralized and decentralized management of local common pool resources in the developing world: experimental evidence from fishing communities in Colombia
MA Velez, JJ Murphy, JK Stranlund
Economic Inquiry 48 (2), 254-265, 2006
A laboratory investigation of compliance behavior under tradable emissions rights: Implications for targeted enforcement
JJ Murphy, JK Stranlund
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 53 (2), 196-212, 2007
The cost of crop damage caused by ozone air pollution from motor vehicles
JJ Murphy, MA Delucchi, DR McCubbin, HJ Kim
Journal of Environmental Management 55 (4), 273-289, 1999
Comparing the effectiveness of regulation and pro‐social emotions to enhance cooperation: experimental evidence from fishing communities in Colombia
MC Lopez, JJ Murphy, JM Spraggon, JK Stranlund
Economic Inquiry 50 (1), 131-142, 2012
A review of the literature on the social cost of motor vehicle use in the United States
J Murphy, M Delucchi
Journal of Transportation and Statistics 1 (1), 15-42, 1998
Direct and market effects of enforcing emissions trading programs: an experimental analysis
JJ Murphy, JK Stranlund
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 61 (2), 217-233, 2006
The design of water markets when instream flows have value
JJ Murphy, A Dinar, RE Howitt, SJ Rassenti, VL Smith, M Weinberg
Journal of environmental management 90 (2), 1089-1096, 2009
An experiment on enforcement strategies for managing a local environment resource
JJ Murphy, JC Cardenas
The journal of economic education 35 (1), 47-61, 2004
The impact of public health messaging and personal experience on the acceptance of mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic
TL Cherry, AG James, J Murphy
Journal of economic behavior & organization 187, 415-430, 2021
A comparison of induced value and home-grown value experiments to test for hypothetical bias in contingent valuation
JJ Murphy, TH Stevens, L Yadav
Environmental and Resource Economics 47, 111-123, 2010
Do truth-telling oaths improve honesty in crowd-working?
N Jacquemet, AG James, S Luchini, JJ Murphy, JF Shogren
PloS one 16 (1), e0244958, 2021
An experimental analysis of compliance in dynamic emissions markets
JK Stranlund, JJ Murphy, JM Spraggon
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 62 (3), 414-429, 2011
Price controls and banking in emissions trading: An experimental evaluation
JK Stranlund, JJ Murphy, JM Spraggon
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68 (1), 71-86, 2014
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Articles 1–20