Frank Guerin
Cited by
Cited by
Word Embedding and WordNet Based Metaphor Identification and Interpretation
FG Rui Mao, Chenghua Lin
The 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2018
End-to-end sequential metaphor identification inspired by linguistic theories
R Mao, C Lin, F Guerin
Proceedings of the 57th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2019
A survey of the ontogeny of tool use: from sensorimotor experience to planning
F Guerin, N Kruger, D Kraft
Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Transactions on 5 (1), 18-45, 2013
GPTEval: A survey on assessments of ChatGPT and GPT-4
R Mao, G Chen, X Zhang, F Guerin, E Cambria
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12488, 2023
Learning like a baby: a survey of artificial intelligence approaches
F Guerin
The Knowledge Engineering Review 26 (2), 209-236, 2011
Denotational semantics for agent communication language
F Guerin, J Pitt
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Autonomous agents, 497-504, 2001
Compressing context to enhance inference efficiency of large language models
Y Li, B Dong, C Lin, F Guerin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.06201, 2023
Development of object and grasping knowledge by robot exploration
D Kraft, R Detry, N Pugeault, E Başeski, F Guerin, JH Piater, N Krüger
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 2 (4), 368-383, 2010
A Model-Based Approach to Finding Substitute Tools in 3D Vision Data
P Abelha, F Guerin, M Schoeler
ICRA, 2016
Latent Space Factorisation and Manipulation via Matrix Subspace Projection
FG Xiao Li, Chenghua Lin, Ruizhe Li, Chaozheng Wang
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3211-3221, 2020
Verification and compliance testing
F Guerin, J Pitt
Communication in Multiagent systems: Agent communication languages and …, 2003
Specifying agent communication languages
F Guerin
University of London, 2002
Learning How a Tool Affords by Simulating 3D Models from the Web
P Abelha, F Guerin
IROS, 2017
Learning context on a humanoid robot using incremental latent dirichlet allocation
H Celikkanat, G Orhan, N Pugeault, F Guerin, E Şahin, S Kalkan
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 8 (1), 42-59, 2015
Adapting everyday manipulation skills to varied scenarios
P Gajewski, P Ferreira, G Bartels, C Wang, F Guerin, B Indurkhya, ...
ICRA 2019, Montreal. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.02743, 2019
BERT-hLSTMs: BERT and hierarchical LSTMs for visual storytelling
J Su, Q Dai, F Guerin, M Zhou
Computer Speech & Language 67, 101169, 2021
FrameBERT: Conceptual metaphor detection with frame embedding learning
Y Li, S Wang, C Lin, F Guerin, L Barrault
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04834, 2023
Analysing the causes of depressed mood from depression vulnerable individuals
NF Abd Yusof, C Lin, F Guerin
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Digital Disease Detection using …, 2017
Guaranteeing properties for e-commerce systems
F Guerin, J Pitt
International Workshop on Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce, 253-272, 2002
Learning spatial relationships from 3D vision using histograms
S Fichtl, A McManus, W Mustafa, D Kraft, N Krüger, F Guerin
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 501-508, 2014
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Articles 1–20