Hartmut Monien
Hartmut Monien
Professor of Physics, Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Bonn University
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Phenomenological model of nuclear relaxation in the normal state of
AJ Millis, H Monien, D Pines
Physical Review B 42 (1), 167, 1990
Strong-coupling expansions for the pure and disordered Bose-Hubbard model
JK Freericks, H Monien
Physical Review B 53 (5), 2691, 1996
One-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor interaction
TD Kühner, SR White, H Monien
Physical Review B 61 (18), 12474, 2000
Phases of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
TD Kühner, H Monien
Physical Review B 58 (22), R14741, 1998
Transverse interactions and transport in relativistic quark-gluon and electromagnetic plasmas
G Baym, H Monien, CJ Pethick, DG Ravenhall
Physical review letters 64 (16), 1867, 1990
Phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model
JK Freericks, H Monien
Europhysics Letters 26 (7), 545, 1994
Spin Gaps and Spin Dynamics in and
AJ Millis, H Monien
Physical review letters 70 (18), 2810, 1993
Application of the antiferromagnetic-Fermi-liquid theory to NMR experiments on YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6.63
H Monien, D Pines, M Takigawa
Physical Review B 43 (1), 258, 1991
Dynamics and thermodynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model
N Elstner, H Monien
Physical Review B 59 (19), 12184, 1999
Application of antiferromagnetic-Fermi-liquid theory to NMR experiments in La 1.85 Sr 0.15 CuO 4
H Monien, P Monthoux, D Pines
Physical Review B 43 (1), 275, 1991
Efficient perturbation theory for quantum lattice models
H Hafermann, G Li, AN Rubtsov, MI Katsnelson, AI Lichtenstein, H Monien
Physical review letters 102 (20), 206401, 2009
Strong-coupling expansions for multiparticle excitations: continuum and bound states
S Trebst, H Monien, CJ Hamer, Z Weihong, RRP Singh
Physical Review Letters 85 (20), 4373, 2000
Spin fluctuations in a two-dimensional marginal Fermi liquid
PB Littlewood, J Zaanen, G Aeppli, H Monien
Physical Review B 48 (1), 487, 1993
Bilayer coupling in the yttrium-barium family of high-temperature superconductors
AJ Millis, H Monien
Physical Review B 54 (22), 16172, 1996
Spin excitations and pairing gaps in the superconducting state of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7− δ
H Monien, D Pines
Physical Review B 41 (10), 6297, 1990
Antiferromagnetic correlations and nuclear magnetic relaxation in high-T c superconductors: A critical reexamination
AJ Millis, H Monien
Physical Review B 45 (6), 3059, 1992
Theory of Raman scattering with final-state interaction in high- BCS superconductors: Collective modes
H Monien, A Zawadowski
Physical Review B 41 (13), 8798, 1990
Linked cluster series expansions for two-particle bound states
W Zheng, CJ Hamer, RRP Singh, S Trebst, H Monien
Physical Review B 63 (14), 144410, 2001
From Mott insulator to band insulator: A dynamical mean-field theory study
A Fuhrmann, D Heilmann, H Monien
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (24), 245118, 2006
Phenomenological theory of the 3 Kelvin phase in Sr2RuO4
M Sigrist, H Monien
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 70 (8), 2409-2418, 2001
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