Richard A. Stern
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Cited by
Archean high-Mg granodiorite: a derivative of light rare earth element-enriched monzodiorite of mantle origin
Journal of Petrology 32 (1), 201-238, 1991
The GSC Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP): analytical techniques of zircon U-Th-Pb age determinations and performance evaluation
RA Stern
Radiogenic age and isotopic studies: Report 10, 1-31, 1997
Measurement of SIMS instrumental mass fractionation of Pb isotopes during zircon dating
RA Stern, S Bodorkos, SL Kamo, AH Hickman, F Corfu
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 33 (2), 145-168, 2009
Assessment of errors in SIMS zircon U–Pb geochronology using a natural zircon standard and NIST SRM 610 glass
RA Stern, Y Amelin
Chemical Geology 197 (1-4), 111-142, 2003
U–Pb geochronology of Riphean sandstone and gabbro from southeast Siberia and its bearing on the Laurentia–Siberia connection
RH Rainbird, RA Stern, AK Khudoley, AP Kropachev, LM Heaman, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 164 (3-4), 409-420, 1998
Petrogenesis of mantle-derived, LILE-enriched Archean monzodiorites and trachyandesites (sanukitoids) in southwestern Superior Province
RA Stern, GN Hanson, SB Shirey
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 26 (9), 1688-1712, 1989
Incomplete retention of radiation damage in zircon from Sri Lanka
L Nasdala, PW Reiners, JI Garver, AK Kennedy, RA Stern, E Balan, ...
American Mineralogist 89 (1), 219-231, 2004
Sedimentary evolution of the Riphean–Vendian basin of southeastern Siberia
AK Khudoley, RH Rainbird, RA Stern, AP Kropachev, LM Heaman, ...
Precambrian Research 111 (1-4), 129-163, 2001
Earth’s earliest evolved crust generated in an Iceland-like setting
JR Reimink, T Chacko, RA Stern, LM Heaman
Nature Geoscience 7 (7), 529-533, 2014
Intraoceanic tectonics and the development of continental crust: 1.92–1.84 Ga evolution of the Flin Flon Belt, Canada
SB Lucas, RA Stern, EC Syme, BA Reilly, DJ Thomas
Geological Society of America Bulletin 108 (5), 602-629, 1996
Age of the world's oldest rocks refined using Canada's SHRIMP: The Acasta Gneiss Complex, Northwest Territories, Canada
RA Stern, W Bleeker
Geoscience Canada, 1998
Paleoproterozoic (1.90–1.86 Ga) arc volcanism in the Flin Flon Belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada
RA Stern, EC Syme, AH Bailes, SB Lucas
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 119 (2), 117-141, 1995
Monazite U–Pb and Th–Pb geochronology by ion microprobe, with an application to in situ dating of an Archean metasedimentary rock
RA Stern, RG Berman
Chemical Geology 172 (1-2), 113-130, 2001
A new isotopic and trace-element standard for the ion microprobe: preliminary thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U-Pb and electron-microprobe data
RA Stern
Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, 2001
Tectonometamorphism at ca. 2.35 and 1.85 Ga in the Rae domain, western Churchill Province, Nunavut, Canada: insights from structural, metamorphic and in situ geochronological …
RG Berman, M Sanborn-Barrie, RA Stern, CJ Carson
Canadian Mineralogist 43 (1), 409-442, 2005
Grain-scale variations in trace element composition of fluid-altered zircon, Acasta Gneiss Complex, northwestern Canada
N Rayner, RA Stern, SD Carr
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 148, 721-734, 2005
The role of Indian and Tibetan lithosphere in spatial distribution of Cenozoic magmatism and porphyry Cu–Mo deposits in the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet
R Wang, JP Richards, L Zhou, Z Hou, RA Stern, RA Creaser, J Zhu
Earth-Science Reviews 150, 68-94, 2015
Kisseynew metasedimentary gneiss belt, Trans-Hudson orogen (Canada): Back-arc origin and collisional inversion
KM Ansdell, SB Lucas, K Connors, RA Stern
Geology 23 (11), 1039-1043, 1995
Age, provenance, and regional correlation of the Athabasca Group, Saskatchewan and Alberta, constrained by igneous and detrital zircon geochronology
RH Rainbird, RA Stern, N Rayner, CW Jefferson, G Delaney
Bulletin-Geological Survey of Canada 588, 193, 2007
Geochemistry of 1.9 Ga MORB-and OIB-like basalts from the Amisk collage, Flin Flon Belt, Canada: evidence for an intra-oceanic origin
RA Stern, EC Syme, SB Lucas
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59 (15), 3131-3154, 1995
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Articles 1–20