Pedro V. Eisenlohr
Pedro V. Eisenlohr
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An estimate of the number of tropical tree species
JWF Slik, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, SI Aiba, P Alvarez-Loayza, LF Alves, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (24), 7472-7477, 2015
Delving into the variations in tree species composition and richness across South American subtropical Atlantic and Pampean forests
AT Oliveira-Filho, JC Budke, JA Jarenkow, PV Eisenlohr, DRM Neves
Journal of plant ecology 8 (3), 242-260, 2015
Fitossociologia no Brasil: métodos e estudos de casos
JM Felfili, PV Eisenlohr, M Melo, LA Andrade, JAA Meira Neto
Viçosa: UFV 1, 556, 2011
Identity and relationships of the Arboreal Caatinga among other floristic units of seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) of north‐eastern and Central Brazil
RM Santos, AT Oliveira‐Filho, PV Eisenlohr, LP Queiroz, DBOS Cardoso, ...
Ecology and Evolution 2 (2), 409-428, 2012
Dissecting a biodiversity hotspot: The importance of environmentally marginal habitats in the Atlantic Forest Domain of South America
DM Neves, KG Dexter, RT Pennington, ASM Valente, ML Bueno, ...
Diversity and Distributions 23 (8), 898-909, 2017
Disturbances, elevation, topography and spatial proximity drive vegetation patterns along an altitudinal gradient of a top biodiversity hotspot
PV Eisenlohr, LF Alves, LC Bernacci, MCG Padgurschi, RB Torres, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 22, 2767-2783, 2013
Florística e fitossociologia em parcelas permanentes da Mata Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal
CA Joly, MA Assis, LC Bernacci, JY Tamashiro, MCR Campos, ...
Biota Neotropica 12, 125-145, 2012
Florestas de restinga e de terras baixas na planície costeira do sudeste do Brasil: vegetação e heterogeneidade ambiental
MA Assis, EMB Prata, F Pedroni, PV Eisenlohr, FR Martins, FAM Santos, ...
Biota neotropica 11, 103-121, 2011
Revisiting patterns of tree species composition and their driving forces in the Atlantic Forests of Southeastern Brazil
PV Eisenlohr, AT de Oliveira‐Filho
Biotropica 47 (6), 689-701, 2015
Changes in tree community composition and structure of Atlantic rain forest on a slope of the Serra do Mar range, southeastern Brazil, from near sea level to 1000 m of altitude
F Pedroni, PV Eisenlohr, AT Oliveira-Filho
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 208 (3), 184-196, 2013
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest: new findings, challenges and prospects in a shrinking hotspot
PV Eisenlohr, AT de Oliveira-Filho, J Prado
Biodiversity and Conservation 24, 2129-2133, 2015
Climate change effects on the geographic distribution of specialist tree species of the Brazilian tropical dry forests
PMS Rodrigues, JO Silva, PV Eisenlohr, C Schaefer
Brazilian Journal of Biology 75, 679-684, 2015
Persisting challenges in multiple models: a note on commonly unnoticed issues regarding collinearity and spatial structure of ecological data
PV Eisenlohr
Brazilian Journal of Botany 37, 365-371, 2014
Trilhas e seu papel ecológico: o que temos aprendido e quais as perspectivas para a restauração de ecossistemas?
PV Eisenlohr, L Meyer, PLS Miranda, VL Rezende, CD Sarmento, ...
Hoehnea 40, 407-418, 2013
Diversity, floristic composition, and structure of the woody vegetation of the Cerrado in the Cerrado–Amazon transition zone in Mato Grosso, Brazil
L Maracahipes Santos, E Lenza, JO dos Santos, BS Marimon, ...
Brazilian Journal of Botany 38, 877-887, 2015
Elucidating adaptive strategies from leaf anatomy: do Amazonian savannas present xeromorphic characteristics?
PF Simioni, PV Eisenlohr, MJG Pessoa, IV da Silva
Flora 226, 38-46, 2017
Tree species composition and richness along altitudinal gradients as a tool for conservation decisions: the case of Atlantic semideciduous forest
VL Rezende, PLS de Miranda, L Meyer, CV Moreira, MFM Linhares, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 24, 2149-2163, 2015
Climate-related variables and geographic distance affect fern species composition across a vegetation gradient in a shrinking hotspot
AL de Gasper, PV Eisenlohr, A Salino
Plant Ecology & Diversity 8 (1), 25-35, 2015
Tree species distribution along environmental gradients in an area affected by a hydroelectric dam in Southern Amazonia
P Moser, WL Oliveira, MB Medeiros, JR Pinto, PV Eisenlohr, IL Lima, ...
Biotropica 46 (3), 367-376, 2014
Does size matter? Conservation implications of differing woody population sizes with equivalent occurrence and diversity of species for threatened savanna habitats
HA Mews, JRR Pinto, PV Eisenlohr, E Lenza
Biodiversity and conservation 23, 1119-1131, 2014
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Articles 1–20