Sethuramalingam Subramaniam
Sethuramalingam Subramaniam
Data Scientist @ AwRostamani Group
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COBOTS - A cognitive multi-bot conversational framework for technical support
S Subramaniam, P Aggarwal, GB Dasgupta, A Paradkar
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2018
A language-independent transliteration schema using character aligned models at NEWS 2009
PM Shishtla, S Ganesh, S Subramaniam, V Varma
Proceedings of the 2009 Named Entities Workshop: Shared Task on …, 2009
Domain independent model for product attribute extraction from user reviews using wikipedia
S Kovelamudi, S Ramalingam, A Sood, V Varma
Proceedings of 5th international joint conference on natural language …, 2011
Named entity transliteration for cross-language information retrieval using compressed word format mapping algorithm
SC Janarthanam, S Subramaniam, U Nallasamy
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on improving non english web searching …, 2008
IIIT Hyderabad’s CLIR experiments for FIRE-2008
S Sethuramalingam, V Varma
The working notes of First Workshop of Forum for Information Retrieval …, 2008
Evaluating resolver skills
GB Dasgupta, SR Godbole, S Krishnan, S Subramaniam
US Patent App. 15/013,818, 2017
Effective Query Translation Techniques for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
S Sethuramalingam
Language Technologies Research Centre International Institute of Information …, 2009
Experiments in CLIR using fuzzy string search based on surface similarity
S Subramaniam, AK Singh, P Dasigi, V Varma
Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2009
Transliteration as Alignment vs. Transliteration as Generation for Crosslingual Information Retrieval
AK Singh, S Subramaniam, T Rama
Traitement Automatique des Langues, Volume 51, Numéro 2: Multilinguisme et …, 2010
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