Yu Peng Zhu
Cited by
Cited by
Evaluating Blockchain Research Trend using Bibliometrics-based Network Analysis
YP Zhu, HW Park
Journal of Digital Convergence 17 (6), 219-227, 2019
Development of a COVID-19 Web Information Transmission Structure Based on a Quadruple Helix Model: Webometric Network Approach Using Bing
YP Zhu, HW Park
Journal of medical Internet research, 2021
Evolution of Knowledge Structure in an Emerging Field Based on a Triple Helix Model: the Case of Smart Factory
D Liu, YP Zhu
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-25, 2022
Identifying Regional Tourism Resources Using Webometric Network Analysis: A case of Suseong-gu in Daegu, South Korea
HY Song, YP Zhu, JE Kim, JH Oh, HW Park
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 21 (7), 475-486, 2020
Use of Triangulation in Comparing the Blockchain Knowledge Structure between China and South Korea: Scientometric Network, Topic Modeling, and Prediction Technique
YP Zhu, HW Park
Sustainability 14 (4), 2326, 2022
Online Information Sources of Coronavirus Using Webometric Big Data
HW Park, JE Kim, YP Zhu
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 21 (11), 728-739, 2020
Uncovering blockchain research publications in Asia compared to the rest of the world
Y Zhu, HW Park
Korean Data Anal Soc 22 (2), 513-526, 2020
Profiling the most highly cited scholars from China: Who they are. To what extent they are interdisciplinary
YP Zhu, HW Park
Profesional de la información 31 (4), 2022
Sino-Globalization Network of Chinese Migrants, Students, and Travellers
Y Zhu, H Park, HW Park
한국산학기술학회 논문지 21 (9), 509-517, 2020
프레스의 링크구동시스템에 대한 기구학적 분석
박철우, 도완호, 주우붕, 이부윤
한국기계가공학회 춘추계학술대회 논문집, 14-14, 2016
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Articles 1–10