Brian Badgley
Brian Badgley
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Cited by
Microbial source tracking markers for detection of fecal contamination in environmental waters: relationships between pathogens and human health outcomes
VJ Harwood, C Staley, BD Badgley, K Borges, A Korajkic
FEMS microbiology reviews 38 (1), 1-40, 2014
Soil bacterial and fungal communities show distinct recovery patterns during forest ecosystem restoration
S Sun, S Li, BN Avera, BD Strahm, BD Badgley
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83 (14), e00966-17, 2017
Nitrogen removal by granular nitritation–anammox in an upflow membrane-aerated biofilm reactor
X Li, S Sun, BD Badgley, S Sung, H Zhang, Z He
Water Research 94, 23-31, 2016
Comparative genomics of the core and accessory genomes of 48 Sinorhizobiumstrains comprising five genospecies
M Sugawara, B Epstein, BD Badgley, T Unno, L Xu, J Reese, ...
Genome biology 14, 1-20, 2013
Mainstream upflow nitritation-anammox system with hybrid anaerobic pretreatment: long-term performance and microbial community dynamics
X Li, S Sun, H Yuan, BD Badgley, Z He
Water research 125, 298-308, 2017
Stormwater loadings of antibiotic resistance genes in an urban stream
E Garner, R Benitez, E von Wagoner, R Sawyer, E Schaberg, ...
Water research 123, 144-152, 2017
What we talk about when we talk about soil health
RD Stewart, J Jian, AJ Gyawali, WE Thomason, BD Badgley, MS Reiter, ...
Agricultural & Environmental Letters 3 (1), 180033, 2018
Quantifying environmental reservoirs of fecal indicator bacteria associated with sediment and submerged aquatic vegetation
BD Badgley, FIM Thomas, VJ Harwood
Environmental microbiology 13 (4), 932-942, 2011
The importance of sediment and submerged aquatic vegetation as potential habitats for persistent strains of enterococci in a subtropical watershed
BD Badgley, BS Nayak, VJ Harwood
Water research 44 (20), 5857-5866, 2010
Changes in microbial functional genes within the soil metagenome during forest ecosystem restoration
S Sun, BD Badgley
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135, 163-172, 2019
The effects of submerged aquatic vegetation on the persistence of environmental populations of Enterococcus spp.
BD Badgley, FIM Thomas, VJ Harwood
Environmental Microbiology 12 (5), 1271-1281, 2010
Evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility of a suite of qPCR-based microbial source tracking methods
DL Ebentier, KT Hanley, Y Cao, BD Badgley, AB Boehm, JS Ervin, ...
Water Research 47 (18), 6839-6848, 2013
Impacts of a changing earth on microbial dynamics and human health risks in the continuum between beach water and sand
CJ Weiskerger, J Brandão, W Ahmed, A Aslan, L Avolio, BD Badgley, ...
Water research 162, 456-470, 2019
Engineered and environmental controls of microbial denitrification in established bioretention cells
LJ Waller, GK Evanylo, LAH Krometis, MS Strickland, T Wynn-Thompson, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (9), 5358-5366, 2018
Exposure to dairy manure leads to greater antibiotic resistance and increased mass-specific respiration in soil microbial communities
C Wepking, B Avera, B Badgley, JE Barrett, J Franklin, KF Knowlton, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1851), 20162233, 2017
Multi-laboratory evaluations of the performance of Catellicoccus marimammalium PCR assays developed to target gull fecal sources
CD Sinigalliano, JS Ervin, LC Van De Werfhorst, BD Badgley, E Ballesté, ...
Water research 47 (18), 6883-6896, 2013
Evaluation of molecular community analysis methods for discerning fecal sources and human waste
Y Cao, LC Van De Werfhorst, EA Dubinsky, BD Badgley, MJ Sadowsky, ...
Water Research 47 (18), 6862-6872, 2013
Application of manure from cattle administered antibiotics has sustained multi-year impacts on soil resistome and microbial community structure
S Shawver, C Wepking, S Ishii, MS Strickland, BD Badgley
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 157, 108252, 2021
Soil bacterial and fungal communities exhibit distinct long-term responses to disturbance in temperate forests
ED Osburn, SG McBride, FO Aylward, BD Badgley, BD Strahm, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 2872, 2019
Does it pay to be mature? Evaluation of bioretention cell performance seven years postconstruction
LL Willard, T Wynn-Thompson, LH Krometis, TP Neher, BD Badgley
Journal of Environmental Engineering 143 (9), 04017041, 2017
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Articles 1–20