M. Maalej
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Cited by
Behavior of hybrid-fiber engineered cementitious composites subjected to dynamic tensile loading and projectile impact
M Maalej, ST Quek, J Zhang
Journal of materials in civil engineering 17 (2), 143-152, 2005
Flexural/tensile-strength ratio in engineered cementitious composites
M Maalej, VC Li
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 6 (4), 513-528, 1994
Introduction of strain-hardening engineered cementitious composites in design of reinforced concrete flexural members for improved durability
M Maalej, VC Li
Structural Journal 92 (2), 167-176, 1995
Behavioral trends of RC beams strengthened with externally bonded FRP
JF Bonacci, M Maalej
Journal of Composites for Construction 5 (2), 102-113, 2001
Flexural responses of hybrid steel–polyethylene fiber reinforced cement composites containing high volume fly ash
SFU Ahmed, M Maalej, P Paramasivam
Construction and building materials 21 (5), 1088-1097, 2007
Application of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) in interior beam–column connections for enhanced seismic resistance
S Qudah, M Maalej
Engineering Structures 69, 235-245, 2014
Tensile strain hardening behaviour of hybrid steel-polyethylene fibre reinforced cementitious composites
SFU Ahmed, M Maalej
Construction and building materials 23 (1), 96-106, 2009
Shear strengthening of RC deep beams using externally bonded FRP systems
MR Islam, MA Mansur, M Maalej
Cement and Concrete Composites 27 (3), 413-420, 2005
Externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymer for rehabilitation of corrosion damaged concrete beams
JF Bonacci, M Maalej
Structural Journal 97 (5), 703-711, 2000
Review of potential structural applications of hybrid fiber Engineered Cementitious Composites
M Maalej, ST Quek, SFU Ahmed, J Zhang, VWJ Lin, KS Leong
Construction and Building Materials 36, 216-227, 2012
Effect of fiber volume fraction on the off‐crack‐plane fracture energy in strain‐hardening engineered cementitious composites
M Maalej, T Hashida, VC Li
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 78 (12), 3369-3375, 1995
Toughening in cement based composites. Part II: Fiber reinforced cementitious composites
VC Li, M Maalej
Cement and Concrete Composites 18 (4), 239-249, 1996
Effect of fiber rupture on tensile properties of short fiber composites
M Maalej, VC Li, T Hashida
Journal of engineering mechanics 121 (8), 903-913, 1995
Accelerated corrosion and repair of reinforced concrete columns using carbon fibre reinforced polymer sheets
C Lee, JF Bonacci, MDA Thomas, M Maalej, S Khajehpour, N Hearn, ...
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 (5), 941-948, 2000
Toughening in cement based composites. Part I: Cement, mortar, and concrete
VC Li, M Maalej
Cement and Concrete Composites 18 (4), 223-237, 1996
Engineered cementitious composites for effective strengthening of unreinforced masonry walls
M Maalej, VWJ Lin, MP Nguyen, ST Quek
Engineering Structures 32 (8), 2432-2439, 2010
Corrosion durability and structural response of functionally-graded concrete beams
M Maalej, SFU Ahmed, P Paramasivam
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 1 (3), 307-316, 2003
Effect of beam size and FRP thickness on interfacial shear stress concentration and failure mode of FRP-strengthened beams
M Maalej, KS Leong
Composites Science and Technology 65 (7-8), 1148-1158, 2005
Performance of hybrid-fiber ECC blast/shelter panels subjected to drop weight impact
J Zhang, M Maalej, ST Quek
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 19 (10), 855-863, 2007
Interfacial shear stress concentration in FRP-strengthened beams
M Maalej, Y Bian
Composite Structures 54 (4), 417-426, 2001
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Articles 1–20