A direct brainstem–amygdala–cortical ‘alarm’system for subliminal signals of fear BJ Liddell, KJ Brown, AH Kemp, MJ Barton, P Das, A Peduto, E Gordon, ... Neuroimage 24 (1), 235-243, 2005 | 882 | 2005 |
The relationship between post-migration stress and psychological disorders in refugees and asylum seekers SSY Li, BJ Liddell, A Nickerson Current psychiatry reports 18, 1-9, 2016 | 865 | 2016 |
The mellow years?: Neural basis of improving emotional stability over age LM Williams, KJ Brown, D Palmer, BJ Liddell, AH Kemp, G Olivieri, ... Journal of neuroscience 26 (24), 6422-6430, 2006 | 420 | 2006 |
Dysregulation of arousal and amygdala-prefrontal systems in paranoid schizophrenia LM Williams, P Das, AWF Harris, BB Liddell, MJ Brammer, G Olivieri, ... American Journal of Psychiatry 161 (3), 480-489, 2004 | 412 | 2004 |
The ‘when’and ‘where’of perceiving signals of threat versus non-threat LM Williams, D Palmer, BJ Liddell, L Song, E Gordon Neuroimage 31 (1), 458-467, 2006 | 339 | 2006 |
Amygdala–prefrontal dissociation of subliminal and supraliminal fear LM Williams, BJ Liddell, AH Kemp, RA Bryant, RA Meares, AS Peduto, ... Human brain mapping 27 (8), 652-661, 2006 | 332 | 2006 |
Enhanced amygdala and medial prefrontal activation during nonconscious processing of fear in posttraumatic stress disorder: an fMRI study RA Bryant, AH Kemp, KL Felmingham, B Liddell, G Olivieri, A Peduto, ... Human brain mapping 29 (5), 517-523, 2008 | 318 | 2008 |
Mapping the time course of nonconscious and conscious perception of fear: an integration of central and peripheral measures LM Williams, BJ Liddell, J Rathjen, KJ Brown, J Gray, M Phillips, A Young, ... Human brain mapping 21 (2), 64-74, 2004 | 316 | 2004 |
A temporal dissociation of subliminal versus supraliminal fear perception: an event-related potential study BJ Liddell, LM Williams, J Rathjen, H Shevrin, E Gordon Journal of cognitive neuroscience 16 (3), 479-486, 2004 | 297 | 2004 |
Mode of functional connectivity in amygdala pathways dissociates level of awareness for signals of fear LM Williams, P Das, BJ Liddell, AH Kemp, CJ Rennie, E Gordon Journal of Neuroscience 26 (36), 9264-9271, 2006 | 279 | 2006 |
Neural responses to masked fear faces: sex differences and trauma exposure in posttraumatic stress disorder. K Felmingham, LM Williams, AH Kemp, B Liddell, E Falconer, A Peduto, ... Journal of abnormal psychology 119 (1), 241, 2010 | 233 | 2010 |
Posttraumatic stress disorder and prolonged grief in refugees exposed to trauma and loss A Nickerson, BJ Liddell, F Maccallum, Z Steel, D Silove, RA Bryant BMC psychiatry 14, 1-11, 2014 | 231 | 2014 |
Functional disconnections in the direct and indirect amygdala pathways for fear processing in schizophrenia P Das, AH Kemp, G Flynn, AWF Harris, BJ Liddell, TJ Whitford, A Peduto, ... Schizophrenia research 90 (1-3), 284-294, 2007 | 230 | 2007 |
Pathways for fear perception: modulation of amygdala activity by thalamo-cortical systems P Das, AH Kemp, BJ Liddell, KJ Brown, G Olivieri, A Peduto, E Gordon, ... Neuroimage 26 (1), 141-148, 2005 | 218 | 2005 |
Distinct amygdala–autonomic arousal profiles in response to fear signals in healthy males and females LM Williams, MJ Barton, AH Kemp, BJ Liddell, A Peduto, E Gordon, ... Neuroimage 28 (3), 618-626, 2005 | 207 | 2005 |
Fronto-limbic and autonomic disjunctions to negative emotion distinguish schizophrenia subtypes LLM Williams, P Das, BJ Liddell, G Olivieri, AS Peduto, AS David, ... Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 155 (1), 29-44, 2007 | 206 | 2007 |
General and social cognition in first episode schizophrenia: identification of separable factors and prediction of functional outcome using the IntegNeuro test battery LM Williams, TJ Whitford, G Flynn, W Wong, BJ Liddell, S Silverstein, ... Schizophrenia research 99 (1-3), 182-191, 2008 | 150 | 2008 |
BOLD, sweat and fears: fMRI and skin conductance distinguish facial fear signals LM Williams, P Das, B Liddell, G Olivieri, A Peduto, MJ Brammer, ... Neuroreport 16 (1), 49-52, 2005 | 147 | 2005 |
Neural biases to covert and overt signals of fear: dissociation by trait anxiety and depression LM Williams, AH Kemp, K Felmingham, BJ Liddell, DM Palmer, RA Bryant Journal of cognitive neuroscience 19 (10), 1595-1608, 2007 | 114 | 2007 |
The neuroscience of sadness: A multidisciplinary synthesis and collaborative review JA Arias, C Williams, R Raghvani, M Aghajani, S Baez, C Belzung, L Booij, ... Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 111, 199-228, 2020 | 112 | 2020 |