N.J. van Druten
N.J. van Druten
Other namesK van Druten
Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam
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Bose-Einstein condensation in a gas of sodium atoms
KB Davis, MO Mewes, MR Andrews, NJ Van Druten, DS Durfee, DM Kurn, ...
Physical review letters 75 (22), 3969, 1995
Evaporative cooling of trapped atoms
W Ketterle, NJ Van Druten
Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics 37, 181-236, 1996
Collective excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a magnetic trap
MO Mewes, MR Andrews, NJ Van Druten, DM Kurn, DS Durfee, ...
Physical review letters 77 (6), 988, 1996
Bose-Einstein condensation in a tightly confining dc magnetic trap
MO Mewes, MR Andrews, NJ Van Druten, DM Kurn, DS Durfee, ...
Physical Review Letters 77 (3), 416, 1996
Bose-Einstein condensation of a finite number of particles trapped in one or three dimensions
W Ketterle, NJ Van Druten
Physical Review A 54 (1), 656, 1996
Direct, nondestructive observation of a Bose condensate
MR Andrews, MO Mewes, NJ Van Druten, DS Durfee, DM Kurn, ...
Science 273 (5271), 84-87, 1996
Yang-Yang thermodynamics on an atom chip
AH Van Amerongen, JJP Van Es, P Wicke, KV Kheruntsyan, ...
Physical review letters 100 (9), 090402, 2008
Two-step condensation of the ideal Bose gas in highly anisotropic traps
NJ Van Druten, W Ketterle
Physical review letters 79 (4), 549, 1997
Adiabatic stabilization: Observation of the surviving population
NJ Van Druten, RC Constantinescu, JM Schins, H Nieuwenhuize, ...
Physical Review A 55 (1), 622, 1997
Mode coupling in a He-Ne ring laser with backscattering
RJC Spreeuw, RC Neelen, NJ Van Druten, ER Eliel, JP Woerdman
Physical Review A 42 (7), 4315, 1990
Classical realization of a strongly driven two-level system
RJC Spreeuw, NJ Van Druten, MW Beijersbergen, ER Eliel, ...
Physical review letters 65 (21), 2642, 1990
Field emission from individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes prepared in an electron microscope
N De Jonge, NJ Van Druten
Ultramicroscopy 95, 85-91, 2003
Yang-Yang thermometry and momentum distribution of a trapped one-dimensional Bose gas
MJ Davis, PB Blakie, AH van Amerongen, NJ van Druten, KV Kheruntsyan
Physical Review A 85 (3), 031604, 2012
Excess quantum noise due to nonorthogonal polarization modes
AM Van der Lee, NJ Van Druten, AL Mieremet, MA Van Eijkelenborg, ...
Physical review letters 79 (22), 4357, 1997
Box traps on an atom chip for one-dimensional quantum gases
JJP Van Es, P Wicke, AH Van Amerongen, C Rétif, S Whitlock, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 43 (15), 155002, 2010
Laser with thresholdless intensity fluctuations
NJ Van Druten, Y Lien, C Serrat, SSR Oemrawsingh, MP Van Exter, ...
Physical Review A 62 (5), 053808, 2000
Atom chips and one-dimensional Bose gases
I Bouchoule, NJ Van Druten, CI Westbrook
Atom chips 331, 2011
Microtrap arrays on magnetic film atom chips for quantum information science
VYF Leung, A Tauschinsky, NJ Van Druten, RJC Spreeuw
Quantum Information Processing 10 (6), 955-974, 2011
Longitudinal character of atom-chip-based rf-dressed potentials
JJP Van Es, S Whitlock, T Fernholz, AH Van Amerongen, NJ Van Druten
Physical Review A 77 (6), 063623, 2008
Bose–Einstein condensation of ultracold atomic gases
W Ketterle, MR Andrews, KB Davis, DS Durfee, DM Kurn, MO Mewes, ...
Physica Scripta 1996 (T66), 31, 1996
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Articles 1–20