Stephen M Hayden
Stephen M Hayden
Professor of Physics, Bristol Unversity
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Cited by
Direct observation of competition between superconductivity and charge density wave order in YBa2Cu3O6.67
J Chang, E Blackburn, AT Holmes, NB Christensen, J Larsen, J Mesot, ...
Nature Physics 8 (12), 871-876, 2012
Spin Waves and Electronic Interactions in
R Coldea, SM Hayden, G Aeppli, TG Perring, CD Frost, TE Mason, ...
Physical review letters 86 (23), 5377, 2001
Incommensurate magnetic fluctuations in
SW Cheong, G Aeppli, TE Mason, H Mook, SM Hayden, PC Canfield, ...
Physical review letters 67 (13), 1791, 1991
Coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in the d-band metal ZrZn2
C Pfleiderer, M Uhlarz, SM Hayden, R Vollmer, H Löhneysen, ...
Nature 412 (6842), 58-61, 2001
Anomalous Criticality in the Electrical Resistivity of La2–xSrxCuO4
RA Cooper, Y Wang, B Vignolle, OJ Lipscombe, SM Hayden, Y Tanabe, ...
Science 323 (5914), 603-607, 2009
The structure of the high-energy spin excitations in a high-transition-temperature superconductor
SM Hayden, HA Mook, P Dai, TG Perring, F Doğan
Nature 429 (6991), 531-534, 2004
Spin fluctuations in YBa2Cu3O6.6
HA Mook, P Dai, SM Hayden, G Aeppli, TG Perring, F Doğan
Nature 395 (6702), 580-582, 1998
The Magnetic Excitation Spectrum and Thermodynamics of High-Tc Superconductors
P Dai, HA Mook, SM Hayden, G Aeppli, TG Perring, RD Hunt, F Doğan
Science 284 (5418), 1344-1347, 1999
Nearly Singular Magnetic Fluctuations in the Normal State of a High-Tc Cuprate Superconductor
G Aeppli, TE Mason, SM Hayden, HA Mook, J Kulda
Science 278 (5342), 1432-1435, 1997
Magnetic dynamics of and
G Aeppli, SM Hayden, HA Mook, Z Fisk, SW Cheong, D Rytz, JP Remeika, ...
Physical review letters 62 (17), 2052, 1989
Polarized-Neutron Scattering Study of the Cooper-Pair Moment in
JA Duffy, SM Hayden, Y Maeno, Z Mao, J Kulda, GJ McIntyre
Physical review letters 85 (25), 5412, 2000
Quantum Phase Transitions in the Itinerant Ferromagnet
M Uhlarz, C Pfleiderer, SM Hayden
Physical review letters 93 (25), 256404, 2004
Heat Conduction in the Vortex State of : Evidence for Multiband Superconductivity
E Boaknin, MA Tanatar, J Paglione, D Hawthorn, F Ronning, RW Hill, ...
Physical Review Letters 90 (11), 117003, 2003
X-Ray Diffraction Observations of a Charge-Density-Wave Order in Superconducting Ortho-II Single Crystals in Zero Magnetic Field
E Blackburn, J Chang, M Hücker, AT Holmes, NB Christensen, R Liang, ...
Physical review letters 110 (13), 137004, 2013
Charge density wave fluctuations in and their competition with superconductivity
TP Croft, C Lester, MS Senn, A Bombardi, SM Hayden
Physical Review B 89 (22), 224513, 2014
Low energy excitations in superconducting
TE Mason, G Aeppli, SM Hayden, AP Ramirez, HA Mook
Physical review letters 71 (6), 919, 1993
High-energy spin waves in
SM Hayden, G Aeppli, R Osborn, AD Taylor, TG Perring, SW Cheong, ...
Physical review letters 67 (25), 3622, 1991
Competing charge, spin, and superconducting orders in underdoped
M Huecker, NB Christensen, AT Holmes, E Blackburn, EM Forgan, ...
Physical Review B 90 (5), 054514, 2014
Two energy scales in the spin excitations of the high-temperature superconductor La2−xSrxCuO4
B Vignolle, SM Hayden, DF McMorrow, HM Rønnow, B Lake, CD Frost, ...
Nature Physics 3 (3), 163-167, 2007
Resonance as a measure of pairing correlations in the high-Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.6
P Dai, HA Mook, G Aeppli, SM Hayden, F Doğan
Nature 406 (6799), 965-968, 2000
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Articles 1–20