Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia
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Cited by
A review of lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation and management system in electric vehicle applications: Challenges and recommendations
MA Hannan, MSH Lipu, A Hussain, A Mohamed
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78, 834-854, 2017
Review of energy storage systems for electric vehicle applications: Issues and challenges
MA Hannan, MM Hoque, A Mohamed, A Ayob
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 69, 771-789, 2017
Hybrid electric vehicles and their challenges: A review
MA Hannan, FA Azidin, A Mohamed
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 29, 135-150, 2014
A review of the stage-of-the-art charging technologies, placement methodologies, and impacts of electric vehicles
H Shareef, MM Islam, A Mohamed
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 64, 403-420, 2016
A review on energy management system for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle: Issues and challenges
N Sulaiman, MA Hannan, A Mohamed, EH Majlan, WRW Daud
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52, 802-814, 2015
Review on Home Energy Management System Considering Demand Responses, Smart Technologies, and Intelligent Controllers
H Shareef, MS Ahmed, A Mohamed, E Al Hassan
IEEE Access 6, 24498-24509, 2018
Measurement of the Zγ→ νν‾ γ production cross section in pp collisions at s= 8 TeV and limits on anomalous ZZ γ and Z γγ trilinear gauge boson couplings
V Khachatryan, S Bansal, O Hindrichs, BA Barnett, MA Ciocci, T Weiler, ...
Physics letters B, 2016
Recent advances and emerging challenges in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) for microbial production of hydrogen and value-added chemicals
A Kadier, MS Kalil, P Abdeshahian, K Chandrasekhar, A Mohamed, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61, 501-525, 2016
A review of solar energy modeling techniques
T Khatib, A Mohamed, K Sopian
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (5), 2864-2869, 2012
Optimization of energy management system for fuel-cell hybrid electric vehicles: Issues and recommendations
N Sulaiman, MA Hannan, A Mohamed, PJ Ker, EH Majlan, WRW Daud
Applied Energy 228, 2061-2079, 2018
A review on sizing methodologies of photovoltaic array and storage battery in a standalone photovoltaic system
T Khatib, IA Ibrahim, A Mohamed
Energy Conversion and Management 120, 430-448, 2016
A review of photovoltaic systems size optimization techniques
T Khatib, A Mohamed, K Sopian
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 22, 454-465, 2013
Battery charge equalization controller in electric vehicle applications: A review
MM Hoque, MA Hannan, A Mohamed, A Ayob
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75, 1363-1385, 2017
Real time optimal schedule controller for home energy management system using new binary backtracking search algorithm
MS Ahmed, A Mohamed, T Khatib, H Shareef, RZ Homod, J Abd Ali
Energy and Buildings 138, 215-227, 2017
Optimization techniques to enhance the performance of induction motor drives: A review
MA Hannan, JA Ali, A Mohamed, A Hussain
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 1611-1626, 2018
A static voltage collapse indicator using line stability factors
A Mohamed, GB Jasmon, S Yusoff
Journal of industrial technology 7 (1), 73-85, 1989
Technical challenges on microgrids
AA Salam, A Mohamed, MA Hannan
ARPN Journal of engineering and applied sciences 3 (6), 64-69, 2008
Optimization of a PV/wind micro-grid for rural housing electrification using a hybrid iterative/genetic algorithm: case study of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
T Khatib, A Mohamed, K Sopian
Energy and Buildings 47, 321-331, 2012
Energy Procedia
M Eslami, H Shareef, A Mohamed, M Khajehzadeh
2011 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering, ICAEE 2011, 2012
Impact of clustering microgrids on their stability and resilience during blackouts
MS Saleh, A Althaibani, Y Esa, Y Mhandi, AA Mohamed
2015 International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies …, 2015
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