Satohiro Tajima
Satohiro Tajima
Department of Basic Neuroscience, University of Geneva
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Optimal policy for value-based decision-making
S Tajima, J Drugowitsch, A Pouget
Nature communications 7 (1), 12400, 2016
Image statistics underlying natural texture selectivity of neurons in macaque V4
G Okazawa, S Tajima, H Komatsu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (4), E351-E360, 2015
Optimal policy for multi-alternative decisions
S Tajima, J Drugowitsch, N Patel, A Pouget
Nature neuroscience 22 (9), 1503-1511, 2019
Untangling brain-wide dynamics in consciousness by cross-embedding
S Tajima, T Yanagawa, N Fujii, T Toyoizumi
PLoS computational biology 11 (11), e1004537, 2015
Gradual development of visual texture-selective properties between macaque areas V2 and V4
G Okazawa, S Tajima, H Komatsu
Cerebral Cortex 27 (10), 4867-4880, 2017
Population code dynamics in categorical perception
CI Tajima, S Tajima, K Koida, H Komatsu, K Aihara, H Suzuki
Scientific reports 6 (1), 22536, 2016
Opposing effects of contextual surround in human early visual cortex revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging with continuously modulated visual stimuli
S Tajima, M Watanabe, C Imai, K Ueno, T Asamizuya, P Sun, K Tanaka, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (9), 3264-3270, 2010
Locally embedded presages of global network bursts
S Tajima, T Mita, DJ Bakkum, H Takahashi, T Toyoizumi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (36), 9517-9522, 2017
Task-dependent recurrent dynamics in visual cortex
S Tajima, K Koida, CI Tajima, H Suzuki, K Aihara, H Komatsu
Elife 6, e26868, 2017
Saliency-based color accessibility
S Tajima, K Komine
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (3), 1115-1126, 2015
Integrated information and dimensionality in continuous attractor dynamics
S Tajima, R Kanai
Neuroscience of consciousness 2017 (1), nix011, 2017
Optimal policy for value-based decisionmaking. Nat. Commun. 7, 12400
S Tajima, J Drugowitsch, A Pouget
Chromatic interpolation based on anisotropy-scale-mixture statistics
S Tajima, R Funatsu, Y Nishida
Signal processing 97, 262-268, 2014
Whether dots moving in two directions appear coherent or transparent depends on directional biases induced by surrounding motion
H Takemura, S Tajima, I Murakami
Journal of Vision 11 (14), 17-17, 2011
Discriminating natural image statistics from neuronal population codes
S Tajima, M Okada
Plos one 5 (3), e9704, 2010
Acquisition of nonlinear forward optics in generative models: Two-stage “downside-up” learning for occluded vision
S Tajima, M Watanabe
Neural networks 24 (2), 148-158, 2011
Neuronal population decoding explains the change in signal detection sensitivity caused by task-irrelevant perceptual bias
S Tajima, H Takemura, I Murakami, M Okada
Neural Computation 22 (10), 2586-2614, 2010
Influence of colour vision on attention to, and impression of, complex aesthetic images
C Hiramatsu, T Takashima, H Sakaguchi, X Chen, S Tajima, T Seno, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (2006), 20231332, 2023
Defining statistical perceptions with an empirical Bayesian approach
S Tajima
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (4 …, 2013
Bayesian-Optimal Image Reconstruction for Translational-Symmetric Filters
S Tajima, M Inoue, M Okada
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77 (5), 2008
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Articles 1–20