Baudin Francois
Baudin Francois
Professeur géologie, Sorbonne Université
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Analysis of marine environmental conditions based onmolybdenum–uranium covariation—Applications to Mesozoic paleoceanography
N Tribovillard, TJ Algeo, F Baudin, A Riboulleau
Chemical Geology 324, 46-58, 2012
Enhanced trapping of molybdenum by sulfurized marine organic matter of marine origin in Mesozoic limestones and shales
N Tribovillard, A Riboulleau, T Lyons, F Baudin
Chemical Geology 213 (4), 385-401, 2004
Conjunctive use of spectral gamma-ray logs and clay mineralogy in defining late Jurassic–early Cretaceous palaeoclimate change (Dorset, UK)
J Schnyder, A Ruffell, JF Deconinck, F Baudin
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 229 (4), 303-320, 2006
Géologie de la matière organique
F Baudin, N Tribovillard, J Trichet
Société géologique de France, 2007
A novel pathway of soil organic matter formation by selective preservation of resistant straight-chain biopolymers: chemical and isotope evidence
E Lichtfouse, C Chenu, F Baudin, C Leblond, M Da Silva, F Béhar, ...
Organic Geochemistry 28 (6), 411-415, 1998
Polar record of Early Jurassic massive carbon injection
G Suan, BL Nikitenko, MA Rogov, F Baudin, JE Spangenberg, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 312 (1-2), 102-113, 2011
First record of the Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event from the Southern Hemisphere, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
AH Al-Suwaidi, GN Angelozzi, F Baudin, SE Damborenea, SP Hesselbo, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 167 (4), 633-636, 2010
The ELDORA/ASTRAIA airborne Doppler weather radar: High-resolution observations from TOGA COARE
PH Hildebrand, WC Lee, CA Walther, C Frush, M Randall, E Loew, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 77 (2), 213-232, 1996
Paleodepositional conditions in the Orca Basin as inferred from organic matter and trace metal contents
N Tribovillard, V Bout-Roumazeilles, T Algeo, TW Lyons, T Sionneau, ...
Marine Geology 254 (1-2), 62-72, 2008
The energetic and chemical signatures of persistent soil organic matter
P Barré, AF Plante, L Cécillon, S Lutfalla, F Baudin, S Bernard, ...
Biogeochemistry 130, 1-12, 2016
Dynamics of a stepped carbon-isotope excursion: Ultra high-resolution study of Early Toarcian environmental change
M Hermoso, F Minoletti, REM Rickaby, SP Hesselbo, F Baudin, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 319, 45-54, 2012
Carbon‐isotope records of the Early Jurassic (Toarcian) oceanic anoxic event from the Valdorbia (Umbria–Marche Apennines) and Monte Mangart (Julian Alps) sections …
N Sabatino, R Neri, A Bellanca, HC Jenkyns, F Baudin, G Parisi, D Masetti
Sedimentology 56 (5), 1307-1328, 2009
Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the northern Levant Basin (offshore Lebanon)
N Hawie, C Gorini, R Deschamps, FH Nader, L Montadert, D Granjeon, ...
Marine and petroleum geology 48, 392-410, 2013
Environmental controls on clay mineralogy of an Early Jurassic mudrock (Blue Lias Formation, southern England)
JF Deconinck, SP Hesselbo, N Debuisser, O Averbuch, F Baudin, J Bessa
International Journal of Earth Sciences 92, 255-266, 2003
Evolution de la paléotempérature des eaux de la plate-forme russe au cours du Jurassique supérieur
A Riboulleau, F Baudin, V Daux, P Hantzpergue, M Renard, V Zakharov
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary …, 1998
Depositional conditions and organic matter preservation pathways in an epicontinental environment: the Upper Jurassic Kashpir Oil Shales (Volga Basin, Russia)
A Riboulleau, F Baudin, JF Deconinck, S Derenne, C Largeau, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 197 (3-4), 171-197, 2003
Late Pliensbachian–Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) environmental changes in an epicontinental basin of NW Europe (Causses area, central France): a micropaleontological and …
S Mailliot, E Mattioli, A Bartolini, F Baudin, B Pittet, J Guex
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 273 (3-4), 346-364, 2009
Causes and characteristics of death in intensive care units
JC Orban, Y Walrave, N Mongardon, B Allaouchiche, L Argaud, F Aubrun, ...
Anesthesiology 126 (5), 882-889, 2017
The Upper Jurassic of the Volga basin: ammonite biostratigraphy and occurrence of organic-carbon rich facies. Correlations between boreal-subboreal and submediterranean provinces
P Hantzpergue, F Baudin, V Mitta, A Olferiev, V Zakharov
Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (1993) 179, 9-33, 1998
Guidelines for Rock–Eval analysis of recent marine sediments
F Baudin, JR Disnar, A Aboussou, F Savignac
Organic Geochemistry 86, 71-80, 2015
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Articles 1–20