Davide Reato
Davide Reato
Timone Neuroscience Institute (Marseille) and École des Mines de Saint-Étienne (Gardanne), France
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A technical guide to tDCS, and related non-invasive brain stimulation tools
AJ Woods, A Antal, M Bikson, PS Boggio, AR Brunoni, P Celnik, ...
Clinical neurophysiology 127 (2), 1031-1048, 2016
Gyri–precise head model of transcranial DC stimulation: Improved spatial focality using a ring electrode versus conventional rectangular pad
A Datta, V Bansal, J Diaz, J Patel, D Reato, M Bikson
Brain stimulation 2 (4), 201, 2009
Cellular effects of acute direct current stimulation: somatic and synaptic terminal effects
A Rahman, D Reato, M Arlotti, F Gasca, A Datta, LC Parra, M Bikson
The Journal of physiology 591 (10), 2563-2578, 2013
Low-intensity electrical stimulation affects network dynamics by modulating population rate and spike timing
D Reato, A Rahman, M Bikson, LC Parra
The Journal of Neuroscience 30 (45), 15067-15079, 2010
Effects of weak transcranial alternating current stimulation on brain activity—a review of known mechanisms from animal studies
D Reato, A Rahman, M Bikson, LC Parra
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 687, 2013
Phasic Activation of Dorsal Raphe Serotonergic Neurons Increases Pupil Size
F Cazettes*, D Reato*, JP Morais, A Renart, ZF Mainen
Current Biology, 2020
Toward rational design of electrical stimulation strategies for epilepsy control
S Sunderam, B Gluckman, D Reato, M Bikson
Epilepsy & Behavior 17 (1), 6-22, 2010
Transcranial electrical stimulation accelerates human sleep homeostasis
D Reato, F Gasca, A Datta, M Bikson, L Marshall, LC Parra
PLoS computational biology 9 (2), e1002898, 2013
Temporal interference stimulation targets deep brain regions by modulating neural oscillations
Z Esmaeilpour, G Kronberg, D Reato, LC Parra, M Bikson
Brain Stimulation 14 (1), 55-65, 2021
Transcranial electrical stimulation: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), transcranial pulsed current …
I Moreno-Duarte, N Gebodh, P Schestatsky, B Guleyupoglu, D Reato, ...
The stimulated brain, 35-59, 2014
Lasting modulation of in vitro oscillatory activity with weak direct current stimulation
D Reato, M Bikson, LC Parra
Journal of neurophysiology 113 (5), 1334-1341, 2015
Transcranial brain stimulation
C Miniussi, W Paulus, PM Rossini
CRC Press, 2012
Computational model of neuron-astrocyte interactions during focal seizure generation
D Reato, M Cammarota, LC Parra, G Carmignoto
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6, 81, 2012
Cellular and network effects of transcranial direct current stimulation: insights from animal models and brain slice
M Bikson, D Reato, A Rahman
Transcranial brain stimulation 1, 456, 2012
Principles of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): introduction to the biophysics of tDCS
D Reato, R Salvador, M Bikson, A Opitz, J Dmochowski, PC Miranda
Practical Guide to Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Principles …, 2019
Deep Cerebellar Nuclei Rebound Firing In Vivo: Much Ado About Almost Nothing?
D Reato, E Tara, K Khodakhah
The Neuronal Codes of the Cerebellum, 280, 2016
Response outcome gates the effect of spontaneous cortical state fluctuations on perceptual decisions
D Reato, R Steinfeld, A Tacão-Monteiro, A Renart
Elife 12, e81774, 2023
Long-term effects of weak electrical stimulation on active neuronal networks
D Reato, M Bikson, LC Parra
BMC Neuroscience 14 (Suppl 1), P308, 2013
Dorsoventral photobiomodulation therapy safely reduces inflammation and sensorimotor deficits in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
V Escarrat, D Reato, G Blivet, J Touchon, G Rougon, R Bos, F Debarbieux
Journal of Neuroinflammation 21 (1), 321, 2024
Inkjet-printed transparent electrodes for electrical brain stimulation
R Matta*, D Reato*, A Lombardini, D Moreau, RP O'Connor
bioRxiv, 2024.09. 06.611618, 2024
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Articles 1–20