Alessia Maggi
Alessia Maggi
ITES ; Université de Strasbourg/EOST, CNRS
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Nanoscopic structure of DNA condensed for gene delivery
DD Dunlap, A Maggi, MR Soria, L Monaco
Nucleic acids research 25 (15), 3095-3101, 1997
Adjoint tomography of the southern California crust
C Tape, Q Liu, A Maggi, J Tromp
Science 325 (5943), 988-992, 2009
Earthquake focal depths, effective elastic thickness, and the strength of the continental lithosphere
A Maggi, JA Jackson, D Mckenzie, K Priestley
Geology 28 (6), 495-498, 2000
Seismic tomography of the southern California crust based on spectral-element and adjoint methods
C Tape, Q Liu, A Maggi, J Tromp
Geophysical Journal International 180 (1), 433-462, 2010
A re‐assessment of focal depth distributions in southern Iran, the Tien Shan and northern India: Do earthquakes really occur in the continental mantle?
A Maggi, JA Jackson, K Priestley, C Baker
Geophysical Journal International 143 (3), 629-661, 2000
Surface waveform tomography of the Turkish–Iranian plateau
A Maggi, K Priestley
Geophysical Journal International 160 (3), 1068-1080, 2005
An automated time-window selection algorithm for seismic tomography
A Maggi, C Tape, M Chen, D Chao, J Tromp
Geophysical Journal International 178 (1), 257-281, 2009
Global climate imprint on seismic noise
E Stutzmann, M Schimmel, G Patau, A Maggi
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10 (11), 2009
Temperature, lithosphere‐asthenosphere boundary, and heat flux beneath the Antarctic Plate inferred from seismic velocities
M An, DA Wiens, Y Zhao, M Feng, A Nyblade, M Kanao, Y Li, A Maggi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (12), 8720-8742, 2015
S‐velocity model and inferred Moho topography beneath the Antarctic Plate from Rayleigh waves
M An, DA Wiens, Y Zhao, M Feng, AA Nyblade, M Kanao, Y Li, A Maggi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (1), 359-383, 2015
Automated identification, location, and volume estimation of rockfalls at Piton de la Fournaise volcano
C Hibert, A Mangeney, G Grandjean, C Baillard, D Rivet, NM Shapiro, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119 (5), 1082-1105, 2014
Continuous kurtosis‐based migration for seismic event detection and location, with application to Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Reunion
N Langet, A Maggi, A Michelini, F Brenguier
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (1), 229-246, 2014
Automatic identification of rockfalls and volcano-tectonic earthquakes at the Piton de la Fournaise volcano using a Random Forest algorithm
C Hibert, F Provost, JP Malet, A Maggi, A Stumpf, V Ferrazzini
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 340, 130-142, 2017
Multimode surface waveform tomography of the Pacific Ocean: a closer look at the lithospheric cooling signature
A Maggi, E Debayle, K Priestley, G Barruol
Geophysical Journal International 166 (3), 1384-1397, 2006
Azimuthal anisotropy of the Pacific region
A Maggi, E Debayle, K Priestley, G Barruol
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 250 (1-2), 53-71, 2006
Implementation of a multistation approach for automated event classification at Piton de la Fournaise volcano
A Maggi, V Ferrazzini, C Hibert, F Beauducel, P Boissier, A Amemoutou
Seismological Research Letters 88 (3), 878-891, 2017
Observations of the seasonality of the Antarctic microseismic signal, and its association to sea ice variability
M Grob, A Maggi, E Stutzmann
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (11), 2011
Focal depths of moderate and large size earthquakes in Iran
A Maggi, K Priestley, J Jackson
Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering 4 (2 and 3), 1-10, 2002
Annual risk of tuberculosis infection in rural China: a population-based prospective study
L Gao, L Bai, J Liu, W Lu, X Wang, X Li, J Du, X Chen, H Zhang, H Xin, ...
European Respiratory Journal 48 (1), 168-178, 2016
Characterization of ambient seismic noise near a deep geothermal reservoir and implications for interferometric methods: a case study in northern Alsace, France
M Lehujeur, J Vergne, J Schmittbuhl, A Maggi
Geothermal Energy 3, 1-17, 2015
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Articles 1–20