Saad I. Sheikh
Saad I. Sheikh
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Reconstructing sibling relationships in wild populations
TY Berger-Wolf, SI Sheikh, B DasGupta, MV Ashley, IC Caballero, ...
Bioinformatics 23 (13), i49-i56, 2007
KINALYZER, a computer program for reconstructing sibling groups
MV Ashley, IC Caballero, W Chaovalitwongse, B Dasgupta, P Govindan, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (4), 1127-1131, 2009
Paternity analysis in a litter of whale shark embryos
JV Schmidt, CC Chen, SI Sheikh, MG Meekan, BM Norman, SJ Joung
Endangered Species Research 12 (2), 117-124, 2010
Impact of the energy model on the complexity of RNA folding with pseudoknots
S Sheikh, R Backofen, Y Ponty
Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 23rd Annual Symposium, CPM 2012, Helsinki …, 2012
Using the fast fourier transform to accelerate the computational search for RNA conformational switches
E Senter, S Sheikh, I Dotu, Y Ponty, P Clote
PloS one 7 (12), e50506, 2012
Full sibling reconstruction in wild populations from microsatellite genetic markers
MV Ashley, TY Berger-Wolf, IC Caballero, W Chaovalitwongse, ...
Computational Biology: New Research, 231-258, 2008
Combinatorial reconstruction of half-sibling groups from microsatellite data
SI Sheikh, TY Berger-Wolf, AA Khokhar, IC Caballero, MV Ashley, ...
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 8 (02), 337-356, 2010
Error tolerant sibship reconstruction in wild populations
SI Sheikh, TY Berger-Wolf, MV Ashley, IC Caballero, W Chaovalitwongse, ...
Computational Systems Bioinformatics: (Volume 7), 273-284, 2008
A graph-theoretic approach for classification and structure prediction of transmembrane β-barrel proteins
VDT Tran, P Chassignet, S Sheikh, JM Steyaert
Bmc Genomics 13, 1-18, 2012
New optimization model and algorithm for sibling reconstruction from genetic markers
WA Chaovalitwongse, CA Chou, TY Berger-Wolf, B DasGupta, S Sheikh, ...
INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 (2), 180-194, 2010
Column-generation framework of nonlinear similarity model for reconstructing sibling groups
CA Chou, Z Liang, WA Chaovalitwongse, TY Berger-Wolf, B DasGupta, ...
INFORMS Journal on Computing 27 (1), 35-47, 2015
Stability analysis of phylogenetic trees
SI Sheikh, T Kahveci, S Ranka, J Gordon Burleigh
Bioinformatics 29 (2), 166-174, 2013
Consensus methods for reconstruction of sibling relationships from genetic data
SI Sheikh, TY Berger-Wolf, AA Khokhar, B DasGupta
4th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, Chicago, IL, 2008
Computational biology: new research
MV Ashley, TY Berger‐Wolf, IC Caballero, W Chaovalitwongse, ...
Nova Science, Hauppauge, New York, USA, 2008
Reconstructing sibling relationships from microsatellite data
SI Sheikh, TY Berger-Wolf, W Chaovalitwongse, MV Ashley
Proceedings of the European Conf. on Computational Biology (ECCB), 2007
On approximating an implicit cover problem in biology
MV Ashley, TY Berger-Wolf, W Chaovalitwongse, B DasGupta, A Khokhar, ...
Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management: 5th International …, 2009
Efficient and scalable parallel reconstruction of sibling relationships from genetic data in wild populations
S Sheikh, A Khokhar, T Berger-Wolf
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2010
Combinatorial methods in kinship analysis.
SI Sheikh
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2009
An integrated optimization framework for inferring two generation kinships and parental genotypes from microsatellite samples
D Won, CA Chou, WA Chaovalitwongse, TY Berger-Wolf, B Dasgupta, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology …, 2012
Investigating the RFAM paradox: The pseudoknot explanation
S Janssen, Y Ponty, B Raman, S Sheikh, JM Steyaert, P Clote
Fifth Indo-French Bioinformatics Meeting, 2011
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Articles 1–20