Monica Dragoicea
Cited by
Cited by
Service design for resilience: A multi-contextual modeling perspective
M Drăgoicea, L Walletzký, L Carrubbo, NG Badr, AM Toli, F Romanovská, ...
IEEE Access 8, 185526-185543, 2020
Integrating agents and services for control and monitoring: managing emergencies in smart buildings
M Pătraşcu, M Drăgoicea
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing and Robotics …, 2014
A service oriented simulation architecture for intelligent building management
M Drăgoicea, L Bucur, M Pătraşcu
Exploring Services Science: 4th International Conference, IESS 2013, Porto …, 2013
Self-organising socio-technical description in service systems for supporting smart user decisions in public transport
M Drăgoicea, JF e Cunha, M Pătraşcu
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (17-18), 6329-6341, 2015
Reconfiguring the service system for resilience: Lessons learned in the Higher Education context
L Walletzký, L Carrubbo, NG Badr, M Dragoicea, AM Toli, S Badawi
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 39 (6), 1144-1161, 2024
Managing Data, Information, and Technology in Cyber Physical Systems: Public Safety as a Service and its Systems
M Drăgoicea, M Léonard, SN Ciolofan, G Militaru
IEEE Access 7 (1), 92672-92692, 2019
Integrating HLA and service-oriented architecture in a simulation framework
M Dragoicea, L Bucur, WT Tsai, H Sarjoughian
2012 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2012
Emergent intelligence in agents: A scalable architecture for smart cities
M Patrascu, M Dragoicea, A Ion
2014 18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2014
Retele neurale: identificarea si conducerea proceselor
I Dumitrache, N Constantin, M Drăgoicea
Bucharest: Matrix Rom, 1999
Multi-behavioral model based autonomous navigation of the mobile robots
M Dragoicea, I Dumitrache, DS Cuculescu
International Journal Automation Austria 11 (1), 1-20, 2003
On a qualitative game theoretic approach of teacher-student interaction in a public higher education service system
VE Oltean, T Borangiu, M Drăgoicea
International Conference on Exploring Services Science 247, 15-29, 2016
Some aspects concerning a generic service process model building
T Borangiu, VE Oltean, M Drǎgoicea, J Falcão e Cunha, I Iacob
Exploring Services Science: 5th International Conference, IESS 2014, Geneva …, 2014
Intelligent techniques for cognitive mobile robots
I Dumitrache, M Dragoicea
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 6 (2), 3-8, 2004
From data to service intelligence: Exploring public safety as a service
M Drăgoicea, NG Badr, J Falcão e Cunha, VE Oltean
International Conference on Exploring Service Science, 344-357, 2018
Reţele neuronale: identificarea şi conducerea proceselor
I Dumitrache, N Constantin, M Drăgoicea
Ed. MatrixRom, Bucuresti, 316 pag., ISBN 973-685-039-0, 1999
Optimization of water reservoir operation to minimize the economic losses caused by pollution
SN Ciolofan, G Militaru, A Draghia, R Drobot, M Drăgoicea
IEEE Access 6, 67562-67580, 2018
Is There a Relationship of Interdependence Between Resilience, Viability and Competitiveness? Ditron Ltd. Case-Study
L Carrubbo, M Drăgoicea, X Hysa, A Megaro, B Zenelaj
International Conference on Exploring Services Science 377, 363-376, 2020
A Service Oriented Architecture for total manufacturing enterprise integration
T Borangiu, C Morariu, O Morariu, M Drăgoicea, S Răileanu, I Voinescu, ...
Exploring Services Science: 6th International Conference, IESS 2015, Porto …, 2015
A generic service system activity model with event-driven operation reconfiguring capability
T Borangiu, M Drăgoicea, VE Oltean, I Iacob
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing and Robotics …, 2014
Building an extended ontological perspective on Service Science
M Drăgoicea, T Borangiu, J Falcão e Cunha, VE Oltean, J Faria, ...
Exploring Services Science: 5th International Conference, IESS 2014, Geneva …, 2014
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Articles 1–20