Laura Christianson, PhD
Laura Christianson, PhD
Researcher 7; Department of Soil, Water, and Climate; Univ. of Minnesota
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Cited by
Denitrifying bioreactors for nitrate removal: A meta‐analysis
K Addy, AJ Gold, LE Christianson, MB David, LA Schipper, NA Ratigan
Journal of Environmental Quality 45 (3), 873-881, 2016
Performance evaluation of four field-scale agricultural drainage denitrification bioreactors in Iowa
L Christianson, A Bhandari, M Helmers, K Kult, T Sutphin, R Wolf
Transactions of the ASABE 55 (6), 2163-2174, 2012
A practice-oriented review of woodchip bioreactors for subsurface agricultural drainage
LE Christianson, A Bhandari, MJ Helmers
Applied engineering in agriculture 28 (6), 861-874, 2012
Optimizing hydraulic retention times in denitrifying woodchip bioreactors treating recirculating aquaculture system wastewater
C Lepine, L Christianson, K Sharrer, S Summerfelt
Journal of environmental quality 45 (3), 813-821, 2016
Financial comparison of seven nitrate reduction strategies for Midwestern agricultural drainage
L Christianson, J Tyndall, M Helmers
Water Resources and Economics 2, 30-56, 2013
Denitrifying woodchip bioreactor and phosphorus filter pairing to minimize pollution swapping
LE Christianson, C Lepine, PL Sibrell, C Penn, ST Summerfelt
Water research 121, 129-139, 2017
Assessment and synthesis of 50 years of published drainage phosphorus losses
LE Christianson, RD Harmel, D Smith, MR Williams, K King
Journal of Environmental Quality 45 (5), 1467-1477, 2016
Beyond the nutrient strategies: Common ground to accelerate agricultural water quality improvement in the upper Midwest
R Christianson, L Christianson, C Wong, M Helmers, G McIsaac, D Mulla, ...
Journal of environmental management 206, 1072-1080, 2018
Hydraulic property determination of denitrifying bioreactor fill media
L Christianson, A Castelló, R Christianson, M Helmers, A Bhandari
Applied engineering in agriculture 26 (5), 849-854, 2010
Pilot-scale evaluation of denitrification drainage bioreactors: Reactor geometry and performance
LE Christianson, A Bhandari, MJ Helmers
Journal of Environmental Engineering 137 (4), 213-220, 2011
Performance of agricultural residue media in laboratory denitrifying bioreactors at low temperatures
GW Feyereisen, TB Moorman, LE Christianson, RT Venterea, JA Coulter, ...
Journal of environmental quality 45 (3), 779-787, 2016
Internal hydraulics of an agricultural drainage denitrification bioreactor
L Christianson, M Helmers, A Bhandari, T Moorman
Ecological Engineering 52, 298-307, 2013
Assessment of drainage nitrogen losses on a yield-scaled basis
X Zhao, LE Christianson, D Harmel, CM Pittelkow
Field Crops Research 199, 156-166, 2016
Heterotrophic denitrification of aquaculture effluent using fluidized sand biofilters
S Tsukuda, L Christianson, A Kolb, K Saito, S Summerfelt
Aquacultural Engineering 64, 49-59, 2015
Moving denitrifying bioreactors beyond proof of concept: Introduction to the special section
LE Christianson, LA Schipper
Journal of Environmental Quality 45 (3), 757-761, 2016
Nitrate removal effectiveness of fluidized sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification biofilters for recirculating aquaculture systems
L Christianson, C Lepine, S Tsukuda, K Saito, S Summerfelt
Aquacultural Engineering 68, 10-18, 2015
4R Water quality impacts: An assessment and synthesis of forty years of drainage nitrogen losses
LE Christianson, RD Harmel
Journal of environmental quality 44 (6), 1852-1860, 2015
Effectiveness of denitrifying bioreactors on water pollutant reduction from agricultural areas
LE Christianson, RA Cooke, CH Hay, MJ Helmers, GW Feyereisen, ...
Transactions of the ASABE 64 (2), 641-658, 2021
The MANAGE Drain Load database: Review and compilation of more than fifty years of North American drainage nutrient studies
LE Christianson, RD Harmel
Agricultural Water Management 159, 277-289, 2015
Denitrifying bioreactor clogging potential during wastewater treatment
LE Christianson, C Lepine, KL Sharrer, ST Summerfelt
Water Research 105, 147-156, 2016
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Articles 1–20