Elias Bloch
Elias Bloch
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176Lu–176Hf geochronology of garnet I: experimental determination of the diffusion kinetics of Lu3+ and Hf4+ in garnet, closure temperatures and …
E Bloch, J Ganguly, R Hervig, W Cheng
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 169, 1-18, 2015
176Lu–176Hf geochronology of garnet II: numerical simulations of the development of garnet–whole-rock 176Lu–176Hf isochrons and a new method for …
E Bloch, J Ganguly
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 169, 1-16, 2015
New Ti-in-quartz diffusivities reconcile natural Ti zoning with time scales and temperatures of upper crustal magma reservoirs
MC Jollands, E Bloch, O Müntener
Geology 48 (7), 654-657, 2020
Multispecies diffusion of yttrium, rare earth elements and hafnium in garnet
EM Bloch, MC Jollands, A Devoir, AS Bouvier, M Ibañez-Mejia, ...
Journal of Petrology 61 (7), egaa055, 2020
Recent crustal foundering in the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andean arc: Petrological insights from the roots of a modern subduction zone
E Bloch, M Ibañez-Mejia, K Murray, J Vervoort, O Müntener
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 476, 47-58, 2017
Diffusion anisotropy of Ti in zircon and implications for Ti-in-zircon thermometry
EM Bloch, MC Jollands, P Tollan, F Plane, AS Bouvier, R Hervig, AJ Berry, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 578, 117317, 2022
Timescales of collisional metamorphism from Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf and U-Pb thermochronology: a case from the Proterozoic Putumayo Orogen of Amazonia
M Ibanez-Mejia, EM Bloch, JD Vervoort
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 235, 103-126, 2018
176Lu–176Hf and 147Sm–143Nd ages of the Martian shergottites: Evaluation of the shock-resetting hypothesis through diffusion kinetic experiments and modeling, and petrological …
E Bloch, J Ganguly
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 395, 173-183, 2014
Reconciliation of discrepant U–Pb, Lu–Hf, Sm–Nd, Ar–Ar and U–Th/He dates in an amphibolite from the Cathaysia Block in Southern China
H Cheng, EM Bloch, E Moulas, JD Vervoort
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175, 1-17, 2020
Markascherite, Cu3(MoO4)(OH)4, a new mineral species polymorphic with szenicsite, from Copper Creek, Pinal County, Arizona, U.S.A.
H Yang, RA Jenkins, RM Thompson, RT Downs, SH Evans, EM Bloch
American Mineralogist 97 (1), 197-202, 2012
Diffusion of calcium in forsterite and ultra-high resolution of experimental diffusion profiles in minerals using local electrode atom probe tomography
EM Bloch, MC Jollands, SSA Gerstl, AS Bouvier, F Plane, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 265, 85-95, 2019
To sink, or not to sink: The thermal and density structure of the modern northern Andean arc constrained by xenolith petrology
L Zieman, M Ibañez-Mejia, AD Rooney, E Bloch, N Pardo, B Schoene, ...
Geology 51 (6), 586-590, 2023
Residence time of igneous garnet in Si-rich magmatic systems: Insights from diffusion modeling of major and trace elements
A Devoir, E Bloch, O Müntener
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 560, 116771, 2021
Diffusion kinetics of lutetium in diopside and the effect of thermal metamorphism on Lu–Hf systematics in clinopyroxene
E Bloch, J Watkins, J Ganguly
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 204, 32-51, 2017
Felsic melt and gas mobilization during magma solidification: An experimental study at 1.1 kbar
M Pistone, LP Baumgartner, F Bégué, PA Jarvis, E Bloch, M Robyr, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 175, 2020
Rongibbsite, Pb2(Si4Al)O11(OH), a new zeolitic aluminosilicate mineral with an interrupted framework from Maricopa County, Arizona, U.S.A.
H Yang, RT Downs, SH Evans, RA Jenkins, EM Bloch
American Mineralogist 98 (1), 236-241, 2013
Zirconium stable isotope fractionation during intra-crustal magmatic differentiation in an active continental arc
LJ Zieman, M Ibañez-Mejia, FLH Tissot, HGD Tompkins, N Pardo, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 365, 53-69, 2024
Zircon growth experiments reveal limited equilibrium Zr isotope fractionation in magmas
HGD Tompkins, M Ibañez-Mejia, FLH Tissot, E Bloch, Y Wang, D Trail
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 25, 2023
Diffusion kinetics of Hafnium in garnet: Experimental determination and geochronological implications
E Bloch, J Ganguly, R Hervig
Highly discrepant Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd dates from crustal xenoliths witness the stability and destruction of a craton
H Cheng, EM Bloch, E Moulas, JD Vervoort, WL Xu, KY Du
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 628, 118590, 2024
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Articles 1–20