Michael L. Falk
Michael L. Falk
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
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Dynamics of viscoplastic deformation in amorphous solids
ML Falk, JS Langer
Physical Review E 57 (6), 7192, 1998
Deformation of metallic glasses: Recent developments in theory, simulations, and experiments
TC Hufnagel, CA Schuh, ML Falk
Acta Materialia 109, 375-393, 2016
Soft spots and their structural signature in a metallic glass
J Ding, S Patinet, ML Falk, Y Cheng, E Ma
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (39), 14052-14056, 2014
A critical evaluation of cohesive zone models of dynamic fractur
ML Falk, A Needleman, JR Rice
Le Journal de Physique IV 11 (PR5), Pr5-43-Pr5-50, 2001
Deformation and failure of amorphous solidlike materials
ML Falk, JS Langer
Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics 2, 353-373, 2010
Strain localization and percolation of stable structure in amorphous solids
Y Shi, ML Falk
Physical review letters 95 (9), 095502, 2005
Elastostatically induced structural disordering in amorphous alloys
KW Park, CM Lee, M Wakeda, Y Shibutani, ML Falk, JC Lee
Acta Materialia 56 (19), 5440-5450, 2008
Molecular-dynamics study of ductile and brittle fracture in model noncrystalline solids
ML Falk
Physical Review B 60 (10), 7062, 1999
Atomic-scale simulations of strain localization in three-dimensional model amorphous solids
Y Shi, ML Falk
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (21), 214201, 2006
Evaluation of the Disorder Temperature and Free-Volume Formalisms<? format?> via Simulations of Shear Banding in Amorphous Solids
Y Shi, MB Katz, H Li, ML Falk
Physical review letters 98 (18), 185505, 2007
Connecting local yield stresses with plastic activity in amorphous solids
S Patinet, D Vandembroucq, ML Falk
Physical review letters 117 (4), 045501, 2016
Predicting plasticity in disordered solids from structural indicators
D Richard, M Ozawa, S Patinet, E Stanifer, B Shang, SA Ridout, B Xu, ...
Physical Review Materials 4 (11), 113609, 2020
Stress-induced structural transformation and shear banding during simulated nanoindentation of a metallic glass
Y Shi, ML Falk
Acta materialia 55 (13), 4317-4324, 2007
Sliding behavior of metallic glass: Part I. Experimental investigations
XY Fu, T Kasai, ML Falk, DA Rigney
Wear 250 (1-12), 409-419, 2001
Thermal effects in the shear-transformation-zone theory of amorphous plasticity: comparisons to metallic glass data
ML Falk, JS Langer, L Pechenik
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (1 …, 2004
Interactions between charged spherical macroions
MJ Stevens, ML Falk, MO Robbins
The Journal of chemical physics 104 (13), 5209-5219, 1996
Dynamic precipitation and recrystallization in Mg-9wt.% Al during equal-channel angular extrusion: A comparative study to conventional aging
XL Ma, SE Prameela, P Yi, M Fernandez, NM Krywopusk, LJ Kecskes, ...
Acta Materialia 172, 185-199, 2019
LGBT climate in physics: Building an inclusive community
TJ Atherton, RS Barthelemy, W Deconinck, ML Falk, S Garmon, E Long, ...
American Physical Society 5, 2016
An energy basin finding algorithm for kinetic Monte Carlo acceleration
B Puchala, ML Falk, K Garikipati
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (13), 2010
Cavitation in amorphous solids
P Guan, S Lu, MJB Spector, PK Valavala, ML Falk
Physical Review Letters 110 (18), 185502, 2013
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Articles 1–20