Lijin Wang
Lijin Wang
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Low-frequency vibrational modes of stable glasses
L Wang, A Ninarello, P Guan, L Berthier, G Szamel, E Flenner
Nature Communications 10 (1), 26, 2019
Sound attenuation in stable glasses
L Wang, L Berthier, E Flenner, P Guan, G Szamel
Soft Matter 15 (35), 7018-7025, 2019
Revealing the link between structural relaxation and dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids
L Wang, N Xu, W Wang, P Guan
Physical Review Letters 120 (12), 125502, 2018
Probing the glass transition from structural and vibrational properties of zero-temperature glasses
L Wang, N Xu
Physical Review Letters 112 (5), 055701, 2014
Critical scaling in thermal systems near the zero-temperature jamming transition
L Wang, N Xu
Soft Matter 9 (8), 2475-2483, 2013
Revealing the ultra-low-temperature relaxation peak in a model metallic glass
B Wang, LJ Wang, BS Shang, XQ Gao, Y Yang, HY Bai, MX Pan, ...
Acta Materialia 196, 611-620, 2020
Disordered solids without well-defined transverse phonons: the nature of hard-sphere glasses
X Wang, W Zheng, L Wang, N Xu
Physical Review Letters 114 (3), 035502, 2015
Non-monotonic pressure dependence of the dynamics of soft glass-formers at high compressions
L Wang, Y Duan, N Xu
Soft Matter 8 (47), 11831-11838, 2012
Low-frequency excess vibrational modes in two-dimensional glasses
L Wang, G Szamel, E Flenner
Physical review letters 127 (24), 248001, 2021
Revealing a hidden dynamic signature of the non-Arrhenius crossover in metallic glass-forming liquids
N Ren, L Hu*, L Wang*, P Guan*
Scripta Materialia 181, 43-47, 2020
Sound attenuation in finite-temperature stable glasses
L Wang, E Flenner, G Szamel
Soft Matter, 2020
Understanding the maximum dynamical heterogeneity during the unfreezing process in metallic glasses
B Wang, LJ Wang, WH Wang, HY Bai, XQ Gao, MX Pan, PF Guan
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (17), 2017
The correlation between fragility, density and atomic interaction in glass-forming liquids
L Wang, P Guan, W Wang
Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (3), 034505, 2016
Energy transport in glasses
E Flenner*, L Wang*, G Szamel
Soft Matter 16 (3), 775-983, 2020
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Articles 1–14