Elder Yokoyama
Elder Yokoyama
Assistant Professor at Universidade de Brasília
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Cited by
Geochronological constraints on the age of a Permo–Triassic impact event: U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar results for the 40 km Araguainha structure of central Brazil
E Tohver, C Lana, PA Cawood, IR Fletcher, F Jourdan, S Sherlock, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 86, 214-227, 2012
The 1420 Ma Indiavaí mafic intrusion (SW Amazonian Craton): Paleomagnetic results and implications for the Columbia supercontinent
MS D'Agrella-Filho, RIF Trindade, SÅ Elming, W Teixeira, E Yokoyama, ...
Gondwana Research 22 (3-4), 956-973, 2012
Insights into the morphology, geometry, and post-impact erosion of the Araguainha peak-ring structure, central Brazil
C Lana, CRS Filho, YR Marangoni, E Yokoyama, RIF Trindade, E Tohver, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin 119 (9-10), 1135-1150, 2007
Structural evolution of the 40 km wide Araguainha impact structure, central Brazil
C Lana, CRS FILHO, YR Marangoni, E Yokoyama, RIF Trindade, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 43 (4), 701-716, 2008
Hydrothermal alteration in basalts from Vargeão impact structure, south Brazil, and implications for recognition of impact-induced hydrothermalism on Mars
E Yokoyama, A Nédélec, D Baratoux, RIF Trindade, S Fabre, G Berger
Icarus 252, 347-365, 2015
Magnetic fabric of Araguainha complex impact structure (Central Brazil): Implications for deformation mechanisms and central uplift formation
E Yokoyama, RIF Trindade, C Lana, CR Souza Filho, D Baratoux, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 331, 347-359, 2012
Changes in summer precipitation variability in central Brazil over the past eight decades
LF Prado, I Wainer, E Yokoyama, M Khodri, J Garnier
International Journal of Climatology 41 (8), 4171-4186, 2021
In situ U/Pb dating of impact‐produced zircons from the Vargeão Dome (Southern Brazil)
A Nédélec, JL Paquette, E Yokoyama, RIF Trindade, T Aigouy, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 48 (3), 420-431, 2013
Insights into the morphology of the Serra da Cangalha impact structure from geophysical modeling
MAR Vasconcelos, K Wünnemann, AP Crósta, EC Molina, WU Reimold, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 47 (10), 1659-1670, 2012
Magnetic characterization by scanning microscopy of functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles
FV Gutierrez, A De Falco, E Yokoyama, LAF Mendoza, C Luz-Lima, ...
Nanomaterials 11 (9), 2197, 2021
Palaeomagnetism of the Permo-Triassic Araguainha impact structure (Central Brazil) and implications for Pangean reconstructions
E Yokoyama, D Brandt, E Tohver, RIF Trindade
Geophysical Journal International 198 (1), 154-163, 2014
Rock magnetism of hematitic “bombs” from the Araguainha impact structure, Brazil
L Jovane, E Yokoyama, T Seda, RF Burmester, RIF Trindade, BA Housen
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (12), 2011
Characterizing complex mineral structures in thin sections of geological samples with a scanning Hall effect microscope
JFDF Araujo, ALA Reis, VC Oliveira Jr, AF Santos, C Luz-Lima, ...
Sensors 19 (7), 1636, 2019
A fully calibrated and updated mid-Holocene climate reconstruction for Eastern South America
I Gorenstein, LF Prado, PR Bianchini, I Wainer, ML Griffiths, FSR Pausata, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 292, 107646, 2022
Paleointensity data from Early Cretaceous Ponta Grossa dikes (Brazil) using a multisample method
D Brandt, GA Hartmann, E Yokoyama, EL Catelani, RIF Trindade
Earth, planets and space 61, 41-49, 2009
Evaluating iron as a biomarker of rhythmites—An example from the last Paleozoic ice age of Gondwana
F Callefo, F Ricardi-Branco, GA Hartmann, D Galante, F Rodrigues, ...
Sedimentary Geology 383, 1-15, 2019
Estimating the magnetization distribution within rectangular rock samples
ALA Reis, VC Oliveira Jr, E Yokoyama, AC Bruno, JMB Pereira
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (8), 3350-3374, 2016
Magnetic fabric of the early-Ediacaran Itapetim monzogranitic pluton: magma flow during oblique extension along strike-slip shear zones (Eastern Brazil)
G Viegas, L Montefalco, E Yokoyama, CJ Archanjo, MIB Raposo, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 164, 104738, 2022
Scanning magnetic microscope using a gradiometric configuration for characterization of rock samples
JFDF Araujo, ALA Reis, AAP Correa, E Yokoyama, VC Oliveira Jr, ...
Materials 12 (24), 4154, 2019
Late Holocene paleoenvironmental records in Eastern Bangladesh from lake sediments: A multi-proxy approach
JM Garnier, J Garnier, P Debnath, LF Prado, E Yokoyama, RK Das, ...
Quaternary International 558, 39-46, 2020
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Articles 1–20