Gauthier Voron
Gauthier Voron
PostDoc, University of Sydney
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Cited by
Cited by
Leaderless consensus
K Antoniadis, J Benhaim, A Desjardins, E Poroma, V Gramoli, ...
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 176, 95-113, 2023
Diablo: A benchmark suite for blockchains
V Gramoli, R Guerraoui, A Lebedev, C Natoli, G Voron
Proceedings of the Eighteenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 540-556, 2023
An interface to implement NUMA policies in the Xen hypervisor
G Voron, G Thomas, V Quéma, P Sens
Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Computer Systems, 453-467, 2017
Dispel: Byzantine SMR with distributed pipelining
G Voron, V Gramoli
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.10367, 2019
Chop Chop: Byzantine Atomic Broadcast to the Network Limit
M Camaioni, R Guerraoui, M Monti, PL Roman, M Vidigueira, G Voron
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.07081, 2023
Diablo-v2: A Benchmark for Blockchain Systems
V Gramoli, R Guerraoui, A Lebedev, C Natoli, G Voron
Using differential execution analysis to identify thread interference
MSM Bouksiaa, F Trahay, A Lescouet, G Voron, R Dulong, A Guermouche, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (12), 2866-2878, 2019
Ten myths about blockchain consensus
D Hyland, J Sousa, G Voron, A Bessani, V Gramoli
Blockchains: A Handbook on Fundamentals, Platforms and Applications, 3-24, 2023
Planetary Scale Byzantine Consensus
G Voron, V Gramoli
Proceedings of the 5th workshop on Advanced tools, programming languages …, 2023
Virtualisation efficace d'architectures NUMA
G Voron
Sorbonne université, 2018
Efficient Virtualization of NUMA Architectures
G Voron
Sorbonne Université, Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie, 2018
Identifying thread interference with performance variation
MSM Bouksiaa, F Trahay, A Lescouet, G Voron, A Guermouche, E Brunet, ...
Dept. Informatique (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom SudParis); Services …, 2017
Optimisation mémoire dans une architecture NUMA: comparaison des gains entre natif et virtualisé
G Voron, G Thomas, P Sens, V Quéma
Conférence en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système,(COMPAS'15), 2015
Efficient Virtualization of NUMA Architectures
G Voron
SRDS 2019
AR Pedrosa, A Huff, A Shoker, B Cabral, CY Lin, CM Yu, C Natoli, ...
SRDS 2021
X Ma, A Auvolat, Q Li, G Hess, R Vassantlal, T Wei, J Xiao, M Bravo, ...
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Articles 1–16