Guo-Yi Zhu
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Cited by
Nishimori’s cat: stable long-range entanglement from finite-depth unitaries and weak measurements
GY Zhu, N Tantivasadakarn, A Vishwanath, S Trebst, R Verresen
Physical Review Letters 131 (20), 200201, 2023
Gapless coulomb state emerging from a self-dual topological tensor-network state
GY Zhu, GM Zhang
Physical review letters 122 (17), 176401, 2019
Spatiotemporal dynamics of particle collisions in quantum spin chains
PI Karpov, GY Zhu, MP Heller, M Heyl
Physical Review Research 4 (3), L032001, 2022
Realizing the Nishimori transition across the error threshold for constant-depth quantum circuits
EH Chen, GY Zhu, R Verresen, A Seif, E Bäumer, D Layden, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02863, 2023
Subdiffusive dynamics and critical quantum correlations in a disorder-free localized Kitaev honeycomb model out of equilibrium
GY Zhu, M Heyl
Physical Review Research 3 (3), L032069, 2021
Inter-valley spiral order in the Mott insulating state of a heterostructure of trilayer graphene-boron nitride
GY Zhu, T Xiang, GM Zhang
Science bulletin 63 (17), 1087-1091, 2018
Proximity-induced superconductivity in monolayer on cuprate substrates
GY Zhu, FC Zhang, GM Zhang
Physical Review B 94 (17), 174501, 2016
Realizing the nishimori transition across the error threshold for constant-depth quantum circuits (2023)
EH Chen, GY Zhu, R Verresen, A Seif, E Bäumer, D Layden, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02863, 0
Topological fracton quantum phase transitions by tuning exact tensor network states
GY Zhu, JY Chen, P Ye, S Trebst
Physical Review Letters 130 (21), 216704, 2023
Structured volume-law entanglement in an interacting, monitored Majorana spin liquid
GY Zhu, N Tantivasadakarn, S Trebst
Physical Review Research 6 (4), L042063, 2024
Robust teleportation of a surface code and cascade of topological quantum phase transitions
F Eckstein, B Han, S Trebst, GY Zhu
PRX Quantum 5 (4), 040313, 2024
SU (3) quantum critical model emerging from a spin-1 topological phase
WJ Rao, GY Zhu, GM Zhang
Physical Review B 93 (16), 165135, 2016
Two-dimensional topological superconducting phases emerged from d-wave superconductors in proximity to antiferromagnets
GY Zhu, Z Wang, GM Zhang
Europhysics Letters 118 (3), 37004, 2017
Dynamical localization transition of string breaking in quantum spin chains
R Verdel, GY Zhu, M Heyl
Physical Review Letters 131 (23), 230402, 2023
Topological phase transition from nodal to nodeless d-wave superconductivity in electron-doped cuprate superconductors
GY Zhu, GM Zhang
Europhysics Letters 117 (6), 67007, 2017
Robust teleportation of a surface code and cascade of topological quantum phase transitions (2024)
F Eckstein, B Han, S Trebst, GY Zhu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.04767, 0
Entanglement dynamics in monitored Kitaev circuits: Loop models, symmetry classification, and quantum Lifshitz scaling
K Klocke, D Simm, GY Zhu, S Trebst, M Buchhold
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.02171, 2024
Qubit fractionalization and emergent Majorana liquid in the honeycomb Floquet code induced by coherent errors and weak measurements
GY Zhu, S Trebst
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.08450, 2023
Decoding quantum criticality from fermionic/parafermionic topological states
ZQ Wang, GY Zhu, GM Zhang
Physical Review B 98 (15), 155139, 2018
Spin-valley antiferromagnetism and topological superconductivity in the trilayer graphene Moire super-lattice
GY Zhu, T Xiang, GM Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.07535, 2018
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Articles 1–20