Junfeng He
Cited by
Cited by
Phase diagram and electronic indication of high-temperature superconductivity at 65 K in single-layer FeSe films
S He*, J He*, W Zhang*, L Zhao*, D Liu, X Liu, D Mou, YB Ou, QY Wang, ...
Nature materials 12 (7), 605-610, 2013
: A Topological Kagome Metal with a Superconducting Ground State
BR Ortiz, SML Teicher, Y Hu, JL Zuo, PM Sarte, EC Schueller, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (24), 247002, 2020
Electronic origin of high-temperature superconductivity in single-layer FeSe superconductor
D Liu*, W Zhang*, D Mou*, J He*, YB Ou, QY Wang, Z Li, L Wang, L Zhao, ...
Nature communications 3, 931, 2012
Highly sensitive detection of polarized light using anisotropic 2D ReS2
F Liu, S Zheng, X He, A Chaturvedi, J He, WL Chow, TR Mion, X Wang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (8), 1169-1177, 2016
Distinct Fermi surface topology and nodeless superconducting gap in a (Tl 0.58 Rb 0.42) Fe 1.72 Se 2 superconductor
D Mou, S Liu, X Jia, J He, Y Peng, L Zhao, L Yu, G Liu, S He, X Dong, ...
Physical review letters 106 (10), 107001, 2011
Evidence of Topological Surface State in Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2
H Yi, Z Wang, C Chen, Y Shi, Y Feng, A Liang, Z Xie, S He, J He, Y Peng, ...
Scientific reports 4, 2014
Robustness of topological order and formation of quantum well states in topological insulators exposed to ambient environment
C Chen, S He, H Weng, W Zhang, L Zhao, H Liu, X Jia, D Mou, S Liu, J He, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (10), 3694-3698, 2012
Rapid change of superconductivity and electron-phonon coupling through critical doping in Bi-2212
Y He, M Hashimoto, D Song, SD Chen, J He, IM Vishik, B Moritz, DH Lee, ...
Science 362 (6410), 62-65, 2018
Three-dimensional collective charge excitations in electron-doped copper oxide superconductors
M Hepting, L Chaix, EW Huang, R Fumagalli, YY Peng, B Moritz, ...
Nature 563 (7731), 374, 2018
Electronic structure and superconductivity of FeSe-related superconductors
X Liu, L Zhao, S He, J He, D Liu, D Mou, B Shen, Y Hu, J Huang, XJ Zhou
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (18), 183201, 2015
Strong anisotropy of dirac cones in SrMnBi2 and CaMnBi2 revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Y Feng, Z Wang, C Chen, Y Shi, Z Xie, H Yi, A Liang, S He, J He, Y Peng, ...
Scientific reports 4, 2014
Tunable Dirac fermion dynamics in topological insulators
C Chen, Z Xie, Y Feng, H Yi, A Liang, S He, D Mou, J He, Y Peng, X Liu, ...
Scientific reports 3, 2013
Silicon layer intercalation of centimeter-scale, epitaxially grown monolayer graphene on Ru (0001)
J Mao, L Huang, Y Pan, M Gao, J He, H Zhou, H Guo, Y Tian, Q Zou, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (9), 093101, 2012
Incoherent strange metal sharply bounded by a critical doping in Bi2212
SD Chen, M Hashimoto, Y He, D Song, KJ Xu, JF He, TP Devereaux, ...
Science 366 (6469), 1099-1102, 2019
Topological surface states and flat bands in the kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5
Y Hu, SML Teicher, BR Ortiz, Y Luo, S Peng, L Huai, J Ma, NC Plumb, ...
Science Bulletin, 2021
Realizing Kagome Band Structure in Two-Dimensional Kagome Surface States of (, Ho)
S Peng, Y Han, G Pokharel, J Shen, Z Li, M Hashimoto, D Lu, BR Ortiz, ...
Physical Review Letters 127 (26), 266401, 2021
Orbital-selective spin texture and its manipulation in a topological insulator
Z Xie, S He, C Chen, Y Feng, H Yi, A Liang, L Zhao, D Mou, J He, Y Peng, ...
Nature communications 5, 2014
Common Fermi-surface topology and nodeless superconducting gap of K 0. 68 Fe 1. 79 Se 2 and (Tl 0. 45 K 0. 34) Fe 1. 84 Se 2 superconductors revealed via angle-resolved …
L Zhao, D Mou, S Liu, X Jia, J He, Y Peng, L Yu, X Liu, G Liu, S He, ...
Physical Review B 83 (14), 140508, 2011
Distinct electronic structure for the extreme magnetoresistance in YSb
J He, C Zhang, NJ Ghimire, T Liang, C Jia, J Jiang, S Tang, S Chen, Y He, ...
Physical review letters 117 (26), 267201, 2016
Electronic evidence of an insulator–superconductor crossover in single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3 films
J He*, X Liu*, W Zhang*, L Zhao*, D Liu, S He, D Mou, F Li, C Tang, Z Li, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (52), 18501-18506, 2014
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