Mikael Perrut
Mikael Perrut
ONERA, Université Paris-Saclay
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High temperature materials for aerospace applications: Ni-based superalloys and γ-TiAl alloys
M Perrut, P Caron, M Thomas, A Couret
Comptes Rendus Physique 19 (8), 657-671, 2018
Real-time study of thin and bulk eutectic growth in succinonitrile–(d) camphor alloys
S Akamatsu, S Bottin-Rousseau, M Perrut, G Faivre, VT Witusiewicz, ...
Journal of crystal growth 299 (2), 418-428, 2007
Spiral two-phase dendrites
S Akamatsu, M Perrut, S Bottin-Rousseau, G Faivre
Physical review letters 104 (5), 056101, 2010
Thermodynamic modeling by the calphad method and its applications to innovative materials
M Perrut
Aerospace Lab, p. 1-11, 2015
Small angle neutron scattering study of martensitic/ferritic ODS alloys
MH Mathon, M Perrut, SY Zhong, Y De Carlan
Journal of nuclear materials 428 (1-3), 147-153, 2012
Role of transverse temperature gradients in the generation of lamellar eutectic solidification patterns
M Perrut, A Parisi, S Akamatsu, S Bottin-Rousseau, G Faivre, M Plapp
Acta Materialia 58 (5), 1761-1769, 2010
An experimental method for the in situ observation of eutectic growth patterns in bulk samples of transparent alloys
S Bottin-Rousseau, M Perrut, C Picard, S Akamatsu, G Faivre
Journal of crystal growth 306 (2), 465-472, 2007
Obtaining of a fine near-lamellar microstructure in TiAl alloys by Spark Plasma Sintering
T Voisin, JP Monchoux, M Perrut, A Couret
Intermetallics 71, 88-97, 2016
Long-time dynamics of the directional solidification of rodlike eutectics
M Perrut, S Akamatsu, S Bottin-Rousseau, G Faivre
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (3 …, 2009
Dynamic instabilities of rod-like eutectic growth patterns: A real-time study
M Perrut, S Bottin-Rousseau, G Faivre, S Akamatsu
Acta materialia 61 (18), 6802-6808, 2013
Small-angle neutron scattering of multiphase secondary hardening steels
M Perrut, MH Mathon, D Delagnes
Journal of Materials Science 47, 1920-1929, 2012
Development of new ferritic alloys reinforced by nano titanium nitrides
MH Mathon, M Perrut, L Poirier, M Ratti, N Hervé, Y de Carlan
Journal of Nuclear Materials 456, 449-454, 2015
γ′ Precipitation study of a Co-Ni-based alloy
D Locq, M Martin, C Ramusat, F Fossard, M Perrut
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 3854-3864, 2018
Monitoring the kinetics of the γ’phase in the N18 superalloy using in situ electrical resistivity measurements
IE Benrabah, G Altinkurt, M Fevre, M Dehmas, B Denand, F Fossard, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 825, 154108, 2020
Microstructure evolution of mechanically alloyed ODS Ferritic Steels during hot extrusion
M Couvrat, L Chaffron, D Nunes, P Bonnaillie, MH Mathon, M Perrut
Solid State Phenomena 172, 721-726, 2011
Instabilities in the periodic arrangement of elastically interacting precipitates in nickel-base superalloys
M Degeiter, Y Le Bouar, B Appolaire, M Perrut, A Finel
Acta Materialia 187, 41-50, 2020
Development of AGAT, a third-generation nickel-based superalloy for single crystal turbine blade applications
J Rame, P Caron, D Locq, O Lavigne, L Mataveli Suave, V Jaquet, ...
Superalloys 2020: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on …, 2020
Effect of Mo, Ta, V and Zr on a duplex bcc+ orthorhombic refractory complex concentrated alloy using diffusion couples
A Lacour-Gogny-Goubert, Z Huvelin, M Perrut, D Boivin, N Horezan, ...
Intermetallics 124, 106836, 2020
Influence of Si and C additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of the Ti-43.5 Al-1Mo-4Nb-0.1 B alloy
A Denquin, Z Huvelin, L Signori, A Bachelier-Locq, M Perrut, S Naka
Materials at high temperatures 33 (4-5), 542-548, 2016
γ′ precipitation kinetics in the powder metallurgy superalloy N19 and influence of the precipitation latent heat
M Perrut, D Locq
MATEC Web of Conferences 14, 09004, 2014
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