Kristina Jackson
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Examination of the cross-cultural and cross-language equivalence of the parenting self-agency measure
LE Dumka, HD Stoerzinger, KM Jackson, MW Roosa
Family relations, 216-222, 1996
A psychosocial model of sun protection and sunbathing in young women: the impact of health beliefs, attitudes, norms, and self-efficacy for sun protection.
KM Jackson, LS Aiken
Health Psychology 19 (5), 469, 2000
The natural history of problem gambling from age 18 to 29.
WS Slutske, KM Jackson, KJ Sher
Journal of abnormal psychology 112 (2), 263, 2003
Risk, conflict, mothers' parenting, and children's adjustment in low-income, Mexican immigrant, and Mexican American families
LE Dumka, MW Roosa, KM Jackson
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 309-323, 1997
Social and psychological influences on emerging adult drinking behavior
HR White, K Jackson
Alcohol Research & Health 28 (4), 182, 2004
Adolescent alcohol and tobacco use: onset, persistence and trajectories of use across two samples
KM Jackson, KJ Sher, ML Cooper, PK Wood
Addiction 97 (5), 517-531, 2002
Transitioning into and out of large-effect drinking in young adulthood.
KM Jackson, KJ Sher, HJ Gotham, PK Wood
Journal of abnormal psychology 110 (3), 378, 2001
Borderline personality disorder features predict negative outcomes 2 years later.
C Bagge, A Nickell, S Stepp, C Durrett, K Jackson, TJ Trull
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 113 (2), 279, 2004
A model of homework's influence on the performance evaluations of elementary school students
H Cooper, K Jackson, B Nye, JJ Lindsay
The Journal of Experimental Education 69 (2), 181-199, 2001
Web-based alcohol prevention for incoming college students: A randomized controlled trial
JTP Hustad, NP Barnett, B Borsari, KM Jackson
Addictive behaviors 35 (3), 183-189, 2010
Conjoint developmental trajectories of young adult substance use
KM Jackson, KJ Sher, JE Schulenberg
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 32 (5), 723-737, 2008
Alcohol use trajectories and the ubiquitous cat's cradle: cause for concern?
KJ Sher, KM Jackson, D Steinley
Journal of abnormal psychology 120 (2), 322, 2011
Changes in alcohol consumption among college students due to COVID-19: Effects of campus closure and residential change
HR White, AK Stevens, K Hayes, KM Jackson
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 81 (6), 725-730, 2020
Parent–child discrepancies in reports of parental monitoring and their relationship to adolescent alcohol-related behaviors
CC Abar, KM Jackson, SM Colby, NP Barnett
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 1688-1701, 2015
Ethnic and gender differences and similarities in adolescent drug use and refusals of drug offers
DG Moon, ML Hecht, KM Jackson, RE Spellers
Substance use & misuse 34 (8), 1059-1083, 1999
Heavy episodic drinking: determining the predictive utility of five or more drinks.
KM Jackson
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 22 (1), 68, 2008
Relation of attachment style to family history of alcoholism and alcohol use disorders in early adulthood
M Vungkhanching, KJ Sher, KM Jackson, GR Parra
Drug and alcohol dependence 75 (1), 47-53, 2004
Friends' alcohol-related social networking site activity predicts escalations in adolescent drinking: mediation by peer norms
J Nesi, WA Rothenberg, AM Hussong, KM Jackson
Journal of Adolescent Health 60 (6), 641-647, 2017
Evaluation of a multicomponent appearance-based sun-protective intervention for young women: uncovering the mechanisms of program efficacy.
KM Jackson, LS Aiken
Health Psychology 25 (1), 34, 2006
Alcohol use disorders and psychological distress: a prospective state-trait analysis.
KM Jackson, KJ Sher
Journal of abnormal psychology 112 (4), 599, 2003
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Articles 1–20