Jorge Peña Queralta
Jorge Peña Queralta
CTO at DAAV, Adjunct Professor at University of Turku
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Sim-to-real transfer in deep reinforcement learning for robotics: a survey
W Zhao, J Peña Queralta, T Westerlund
2020 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI), 737-744, 2020
Collaborative multi-robot search and rescue: Planning, coordination, perception, and active vision
J Peña Queralta, J Taipalmaa, BC Pullinen, VK Sarker, TN Gia, ...
IEEE Access 8, 191617-191643, 2020
Edge-AI in LoRa-based Health Monitoring: Fall Detection System with Fog Computing and LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
J Peña Queralta, TN Gia, H Tenhunen, T Westerlund
Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and …, 2019
LPWAN technologies for IoT and M2M applications
BS Chaudhari, M Zennaro
Academic Press, 2020
UWB-based System for UAV Localization in GNSS-Denied Environments: Characterization and Dataset
J Peña Queralta, CM Almansa, F Schiano, D Floreano, T Westerlund
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
UWB-based Localization for Multi-UAV Systems and Collaborative Heterogeneous Multi-robot Systems
W Shule, CM Almansa, J Peña Queralta, Z Zou, T Westerlund
Procedia Computer Science 175, 357-364, 2020
Comparative study of LPWAN technologies on unlicensed bands for M2M communication in the IoT: beyond LoRa and LoRaWAN
J Peña Queralta, TN Gia, Z Zou, H Tenhunen, T Westerlund
Procedia Computer Science 155, 343-350, 2019
A Survey on LoRa for IoT: Integrating Edge Computing
VK Sarker, J Peña Queralta, TN Gia, H Tenhunen, T Westerlund
The Second IEEE International Workshop on Smart Living with IoT, Cloud, and …, 2019
Edge AI in Smart Farming IoT: CNNs at the Edge and Fog Computing with LoRa
TN Gia, L Qingqing, JP Queralta, Z Zou, H Tenhunen, T Westerlund
IEEE AFRICON-2019, 2019
Multi-Sensor Fusion for Navigation and Mapping in Autonomous Vehicles: Accurate Localization in Urban Environments
Q Li, J Peña Queralta, TN Gia, Z Zou, T Westerlund
Unmanned Systems 8 (03), 229-237, 2020
MSS U-Net: 3D segmentation of kidneys and tumors from CT images with a multi-scale supervised U-Net
W Zhao, D Jiang, JP Queralta, T Westerlund
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 19, 100357, 2020
Offloading SLAM for Indoor Mobile Robots with Edge-Fog-Cloud Computing
VK Sarker, J Peña Queralta, TN Gia, H Tenhunen, T Westerlund
Federated learning in robotic and autonomous systems
Y Xianjia, JP Queralta, J Heikkonen, T Westerlund
Procedia Computer Science 191, 135-142, 2021
Applications of uwb networks and positioning to autonomous robots and industrial systems
Y Xianjia, L Qingqing, JP Queralta, J Heikkonen, T Westerlund
2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 1-6, 2021
Edge computing to secure iot data ownership and trade with the ethereum blockchain
A Nawaz, J Peña Queralta, J Guan, M Awais, TN Gia, AK Bashir, H Kan, ...
Sensors 20 (14), 3965, 2020
Localization in unstructured environments: Towards autonomous robots in forests with delaunay triangulation
Q Li, P Nevalainen, J Peña Queralta, J Heikkonen, T Westerlund
Remote Sensing 12 (11), 1870, 2020
VIO-UWB-based collaborative localization and dense scene reconstruction within heterogeneous multi-robot systems
JP Queralta, Q Li, F Schiano, T Westerlund
2022 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM …, 2022
Edge AI and blockchain for privacy-critical and data-sensitive applications
A Nawaz, TN Gia, JP Queralta, T Westerlund
2019 Twelfth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Edge computing with embedded ai: Thermal image analysis for occupancy estimation in intelligent buildings
A Metwaly, JP Queralta, VK Sarker, TN Gia, O Nasir, T Westerlund
Proceedings of the INTelligent Embedded Systems Architectures and …, 2019
Enhancing autonomy with blockchain and multi-access edge computing in distributed robotic systems
JP Queralta, L Qingqing, Z Zou, T Westerlund
2020 Fifth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC …, 2020
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Articles 1–20