Elina Eriksson
Cited by
Cited by
A systematic review of digital behaviour change interventions for more sustainable food consumption
B Hedin, C Katzeff, E Eriksson, D Pargman
Sustainability 11 (9), 2638, 2019
ICT practices in smart sustainable cities-In the intersection of technological solutions and practices of everyday life
MB Rivera, E Eriksson, J Wangel
EnviroInfo and ICT for Sustainability 2015, 317-324, 2015
Residential solar electricity adoption: how households in Sweden search for and use information
J Palm, E Eriksson
Energy, Sustainability and Society 8, 1-9, 2018
Hacking sustainability: Broadening participation through green hackathons
JL Zapico, D Pargman, H Ebner, E Eriksson
Fourth International Symposium on End-User Development. June 10-13, 2013, IT …, 2013
Looking backward to the future: On past-facing approaches to futuring
R Bendor, E Eriksson, D Pargman
Futures 125, 102666, 2021
The secret life of a persona: When the personal becomes private
E Eriksson, H Artman, A Swartling
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2013
The limits of the smart sustainable city
T Ringenson, E Eriksson, M Börjesson Rivera, J Wangel
Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Computing within Limits, 3-9, 2017
Limits to the sharing economy
D Pargman, E Eriksson, A Friday
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits, 1-7, 2016
The (un) sustainability of imagined future information societies
D Pargman, E Eriksson, M Höjer, UG Östling, LA Borges
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Design recommendations for a computer-based speech training system based on end-user interviews
E Eriksson, O Bälter, O Engwall, AM Öster, H Kjellström
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Speech and Computers …, 2005
The future of computing and wisdom: insights from human–computer interaction
DS Pargman, E Eriksson, O Bates, B Kirman, R Comber, A Hedman, ...
Futures 113, 102434, 2019
On the necessity of flying and of not flying: Exploring how computer scientists reason about academic travel
E Eriksson, D Pargman, M Robèrt, J Laaksolahti
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 18-26, 2020
What if there had only been half the oil? Rewriting history to envision the consequences of peak oil
D Pargman, E Eriksson, M Höök, TJ Tanenbaum, M Pufal, J Wangel
Energy Research & Social Science 31, 170-178, 2017
Deviant and guilt-ridden: Computing within psychological limits
B Knowles, E Eriksson
First Monday, 2015
HCI and UN's Sustainable Development Goals: Responsibilities, barriers and opportunities
E Eriksson, D Pargman, O Bates, M Normark, J Gulliksen, M Anneroth, ...
Proceedings of the 9th Nordic conference on human-computer interaction, 1-2, 2016
ICT4S reaching out: Making sustainability relevant in higher education
E Eriksson, D Pargman
ICT for Sustainability 2014 (ICT4S-14), 40-47, 2014
It’s not fair!
D Pargman, E Eriksson
making students engage in sustainability. Engineering Education for …, 2013
ICT4S 2029: What will be the systems supporting sustainability in 15 years
B Penzenstadler, B Tomlinson, E Baumer, M Pufal, A Raturi, ...
Atlantis Press, 2014
User-centred systems design as organizational change: a longitudinal action research project to improve usability and the computerized work environment in a public authority
J Gulliksen, Å Cajander, B Sandblad, E Eriksson, I Kavathatzopoulos
International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI) 5 (3), 13-53, 2009
Contextual personas as a method for understanding digital work environments
Å Cajander, M Larusdottir, E Eriksson, G Nauwerck
Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and Interaction Design Methods …, 2015
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Articles 1–20