Psychologie pro ekonomy a manažery D Pauknerová Grada Publishing as, 2006 | 484 | 2006 |
Psychologie pro ekonomy a manažery D PAUKNEROVÁ, Z HUBINKOVÁ, T KRÁLOVÁ, H LORENCOVÁ Psychologie pro ekonomy a manažery, 264, 2012 | 231 | 2012 |
Psychologie pro ekonomy a manažery. 3., aktualiz. a dopl. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2012 D PAUKNEROVÁ Management (Grada), 217-220, 2015 | 173 | 2015 |
Management osobního rozvoje: duševní hygiena, sebeřízení, efektivní životní styl E Bedrnová, D Pauknerová Management Press, 2015 | 154 | 2015 |
Achievement, power, and affiliation motives as clues to (e) migration desires: A four-countries comparison B Boneva, IH Frieze, A Ferligoj, E Jarošová, D Pauknerová, A Orgocka European Psychologist 3 (4), 247-254, 1998 | 151 | 1998 |
Beliefs in equality for women and men as related to economic factors in Central and Eastern Europe and the United States JE Olson, IH Frieze, S Wall, B Zdaniuk, A Ferligoj, T Kogovšek, J Horvat, ... Sex roles 56, 297-308, 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
Gender role and religion as predictors of attitude toward abortion in Croatia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and the United States SN Wall, IH Frieze, A Ferligoj, E Jarošová, D Pauknerová, J Horvat, ... Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 30 (4), 443-465, 1999 | 40 | 1999 |
East-West European migration and the role of motivation in emigration desires B Boneva, IH Frieze, A Ferligoj, E Jarošová, D Pauknerová, A Orgocka Migracijske i etničke teme 13 (4), 335-361, 1997 | 37 | 1997 |
Duševní hygiena a sebeřízení E Bedrnová, V Provazník, D Pauknerová Vysoká škola ekonomická, 1996 | 29 | 1996 |
Jak uspět v prvním zaměstnání O Hanzlíková, D Pauknerová, M Soušková Grada Publishing, as, 2001 | 26 | 2001 |
Intergenerational transmission of work values in Czech Republic, Spain, and Turkey: Parent-child similarity and the moderating role of parenting behaviors N Sümer, D Pauknerova, M Vancea, E Manuoğlu The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 682 (1 …, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Limited gender differences in ethical decision making between demographics in the USA and New Zealand S M. Fredricks, E Tilley, D Pauknerová Gender in Management: An International Journal 29 (3), 126-147, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Economic influences on ideals about future jobs in young adults in formerly socialist countries and the United States JE Olson, IH Frieze, S Wall, B Zdaniuk, N Telpuchovskaya, A Ferligoj, ... Cross-cultural research 40 (4), 352-376, 2006 | 25 | 2006 |
Psychologie pro ekonomy a manažery [Psychology for Economists and Managers] D Pauknerová Praha: Grada Publishing, 2006 | 14 | 2006 |
Cash and class: Intergenerational transmission of values and capital and the consequences for social mobility in the UK E Rainsford, A Wambach Intergenerational Transmission and Economic Self-Sufficiency, 183-208, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Political leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior: The mediating role of trust in fellow citizens and the moderating role of economic inequality L Monzani, K Bibic, SA Haslam, R Kerschreiter, JE Wilson Lemoine, ... Political Psychology, 2024 | 4 | 2024 |
CUPESSE: Cultural pathways to economic self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship J Tosun, F Hörisch, B Schuck, J Shore, M Woywode, R Strohmeyer, ... GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA7475 Datenfile Version 1 (0), 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Nové trendy v leadershipu D Pauknerová, E Jarošová, H Lorencová Management Press, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Psychologie prodeje pro střední odborná učiliště E Bedrnová, D Pauknerová, V Kučera Fortuna, 1995 | 4 | 1995 |
Intergenerational transmission and economic self-sufficiency J Tosun, D Pauknerová, B Kittel Springer International Publishing, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |