Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao
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The role of nanomaterials in redox-based supercapacitors for next generation energy storage devices
X Zhao, BM Sánchez, PJ Dobson, PS Grant
Nanoscale 3 (3), 839-855, 2011
Rhombohedral Prussian White as Cathode for Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Batteries
SKJBG Long Wang, Jie Song, Ruimin Qiao, L. Andrew Wray, Muhammed A. Hossain ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (7), 2548-2554, 2015
Crumpled graphene-encapsulated Si nanoparticles for lithium ion battery anodes
J Luo, X Zhao, J Wu, HD Jang, HH Kung, J Huang
The journal of physical chemistry letters 3 (13), 1824-1829, 2012
Flexible holey graphene paper electrodes with enhanced rate capability for energy storage applications
X Zhao, CM Hayner, MC Kung, HH Kung
ACS nano 5 (11), 8739-8749, 2011
In-plane vacancy-enabled high-power Si-graphene composite electrode for lithium-ion batteries
X Zhao, CM Hayner, MC Kung, HH Kung
Advanced Energy Materials 1, 2011
Materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
CM Hayner, X Zhao, HH Kung
Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering 3 (1), 445-471, 2012
A novel hybrid supercapacitor with a carbon nanotube cathode and an iron oxide/carbon nanotube composite anode
X Zhao, C Johnston, PS Grant
Journal of Materials Chemistry 19 (46), 8755-8760, 2009
Bottom-up in situ formation of Fe 3 O 4 nanocrystals in a porous carbon foam for lithium-ion battery anodes
T Yoon, C Chae, YK Sun, X Zhao, HH Kung, JK Lee
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (43), 17325-17330, 2011
Spray deposition of steam treated and functionalized single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotube films for supercapacitors
X Zhao, BTT Chu, B Ballesteros, W Wang, C Johnston, JM Sykes, ...
Nanotechnology 20 (6), 065605, 2009
Printable magnetite and pyrrole treated magnetite based electrodes for supercapacitors
X Zhao, C Johnston, A Crossley, PS Grant
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (36), 7637-7644, 2010
Photothermal-assisted fabrication of iron fluoride–graphene composite paper cathodes for high-energy lithium-ion batteries
X Zhao, CM Hayner, MC Kung, HH Kung
Chemical Communications 48 (79), 9909-9911, 2012
Spray deposited fluoropolymer/multi-walled carbon nanotube composite films with high dielectric permittivity at low percolation threshold
X Zhao, AA Koos, BTT Chu, C Johnston, N Grobert, PS Grant
Carbon 47 (3), 561-569, 2009
Self-assembled lithium manganese oxide nanoparticles on carbon nanotube or graphene as high-performance cathode material for lithium-ion batteries
X Zhao, CM Hayner, HH Kung
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (43), 17297-17303, 2011
Antimony/Graphitic Carbon Composite Anode for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries
JJL Xin Zhao, Sean A. Vail, Yuhao Lu, Jie Song, Wei Pan, David R. Evans
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016
Graphene materials having randomly distributed two-dimensional structural defects
HH Kung, X Zhao, CM Hayner, MC Kung
US Patent 8,551,650, 2013
Spray Deposition of Polymer Nanocomposite Films for Dielectric Applications
PG Xin Zhao, Claire Hinchliffe, Colin Johnston, Peter Dobson
Materials Science and Engineering B 151 (2), 140-145, 2008
Composites of graphene and encapsulated silicon for practically viable high-performance lithium-ion batteries
X Zhao, M Li, KH Chang, YM Lin
Nano Research 7, 1429-1438, 2014
Sodium and potassium ion batteries with halogen salts
Y Lu, S Vail, X Zhao, J Song
US Patent 9,455,446, 2016
Alkali-ion battery with enhanced transition metal cyanometallate electrode structure
J Song, Y Lu, X Zhao
US Patent 9,660,268, 2017
Towards cost-effective silicon anodes using conductive polyaniline-encapsulated silicon micropowders
X Zhao, M Li, N Ross, YM Lin
RSC Advances 6, 77682-77687, 2016
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Articles 1–20