Craig Tovey
Craig Tovey
Professor of Operations Research, Georgia Tech
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Cited by
Voting schemes for which it can be difficult to tell who won the election
J Bartholdi, CA Tovey, MA Trick
Social Choice and welfare 6, 157-165, 1989
The computational difficulty of manipulating an election
JJ Bartholdi, CA Tovey, MA Trick
Social choice and welfare 6, 227-241, 1989
A simplified NP-complete satisfiability problem
CA Tovey
Discrete applied mathematics 8 (1), 85-89, 1984
Individual differences versus social dynamics in the formation of animal dominance hierarchies
ID Chase, C Tovey, D Spangler-Martin, M Manfredonia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (8), 5744-5749, 2002
How hard is it to control an election?
JJ Bartholdi III, CA Tovey, MA Trick
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 16 (8-9), 27-40, 1992
On honey bees and dynamic server allocation in internet hosting centers
S Nakrani, C Tovey
Adaptive behavior 12 (3-4), 223-240, 2004
Auction-Based Multi-Robot Routing.
MG Lagoudakis, E Markakis, D Kempe, P Keskinocak, AJ Kleywegt, ...
Robotics: Science and Systems 5, 343-350, 2005
Automatic generation of linear-time algorithms from predicate calculus descriptions of problems on recursively constructed graph families
RB Borie, RG Parker, CA Tovey
Algorithmica 7, 555-581, 1992
Fire ants self-assemble into waterproof rafts to survive floods
NJ Mlot, CA Tovey, DL Hu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (19), 7669-7673, 2011
Lazy Theta*: Any-angle path planning and path length analysis in 3D
A Nash, S Koenig, C Tovey
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (1), 147-154, 2010
The power of sequential single-item auctions for agent coordination
S Koenig, C Tovey, M Lagoudakis, V Markakis, D Kempe, P Keskinocak, ...
proceedings of the 21st national conference on Artificial intelligence …, 2006
Automated process planning for printed circuit card assembly
LF McGinnis, JC Ammons, M Carlyle, L Cranmer, GW Depuy, KP Ellis, ...
IIE transactions 24 (4), 18-30, 1992
Multi-agent path finding with payload transfers and the package-exchange robot-routing problem
H Ma, C Tovey, G Sharon, TK Kumar, S Koenig
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 2016
When is the classroom assignment problem hard?
MW Carter, CA Tovey
Operations Research 40 (1-supplement-1), S28-S39, 1992
The generation of bidding rules for auction-based robot coordination
C Tovey, MG Lagoudakis, S Jain, S Koenig
Multi-Robot Systems. From Swarms to Intelligent Automata Volume III …, 2005
New results on the old k-opt algorithm for the traveling salesman problem
B Chandra, H Karloff, C Tovey
SIAM Journal on Computing 28 (6), 1998-2029, 1999
Progress on agent coordination with cooperative auctions
S Koenig, P Keskinocak, C Tovey
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (1), 1713-1717, 2010
Why search time to find a food-storer bee accurately indicates the relative rates of nectar collecting and nectar processing in honey bee colonies
TD Seeley, CA Tovey
Animal Behaviour 47 (2), 311-316, 1994
Performance bounds for planning in unknown terrain
S Koenig, C Tovey, Y Smirnov
Artificial Intelligence 147 (1-2), 253-279, 2003
Overview: Generalizations of multi-agent path finding to real-world scenarios
H Ma, S Koenig, N Ayanian, L Cohen, W Hönig, TK Kumar, T Uras, H Xu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05515, 2017
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Articles 1–20