Matteo Carlesso
Cited by
Cited by
Experimental bounds on collapse models from gravitational wave detectors
M Carlesso, A Bassi, P Falferi, A Vinante
Physical Review D 94 (12), 124036, 2016
Improved noninterferometric test of collapse models using ultracold cantilevers
A Vinante, R Mezzena, P Falferi, M Carlesso, A Bassi
Physical Review Letters 119 (11), 110401, 2017
Testing the gravitational field generated by a quantum superposition
M Carlesso, A Bassi, M Paternostro, H Ulbricht
New Journal of Physics 21, 093052, 2019
Present status and future challenges of non-interferometric tests of collapse models
M Carlesso, S Donadi, L Ferialdi, M Paternostro, H Ulbricht, A Bassi
Nature Physics 18, 243-250, 2022
Quantum physics in space
A Belenchia, M Carlesso, Ö Bayraktar, D Dequal, I Derkach, G Gasbarri, ...
Physics Reports 951, 1-70, 2022
Non-interferometric test of the Continuous Spontaneous Localization model based on rotational optomechanics
M Carlesso, M Paternostro, H Ulbricht, A Vinante, A Bassi
New Journal of Physics 20, 083022, 2018
Testing the foundation of quantum physics in space via Interferometric and non-interferometric experiments with mesoscopic nanoparticles
G Gasbarri, A Belenchia, M Carlesso, S Donadi, A Bassi, R Kaltenbaek, ...
Communications Physics 4 (1), 155, 2021
Room temperature test of the continuous spontaneous localization model using a levitated micro-oscillator
D Zheng, Y Leng, X Kong, R Li, Z Wang, X Luo, J Zhao, CK Duan, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013057, 2020
Decoherence effects in non-classicality tests of gravity
S Rijavec, M Carlesso, A Bassi, V Vedral, C Marletto
New Journal of Physics 23 (4), 043040, 2021
Narrowing the parameter space of collapse models with ultracold layered force sensors
A Vinante, M Carlesso, A Bassi, A Chiasera, S Varas, P Falferi, ...
Physical Review Letters 125, 100404, 2020
Collapse models: main properties and the state of art of the experimental tests
M Carlesso, S Donadi
Advances in Open Systems and Fundamental Tests of Quantum Mechanics …, 2019
Colored collapse models from the non-interferometric perspective
M Carlesso, L Ferialdi, A Bassi
The European Physical Journal D (2018) 72 (9), 159, 2018
Testing continuous spontaneous localization with Fermi liquids
SL Adler, A Bassi, M Carlesso, A Vinante
Physical Review D 99, 103001, 2019
Adjoint master equation for quantum Brownian motion
M Carlesso, A Bassi
Physical Review A 95 (5), 052119, 2017
Multilayer test masses to enhance the collapse noise
M Carlesso, A Vinante, A Bassi
Physical Review A 98, 022122, 2018
When Cavendish meets Feynman: A quantum torsion balance for testing the quantumness of gravity
M Carlesso, M Paternostro, H Ulbricht, A Bassi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.08695, 2017
Decoherence due to gravitational time dilation: Analysis of competing decoherence effects
M Carlesso, A Bassi
Physics Letters A 380 (31-32), 2354-2358, 2016
Unitary unraveling for the dissipative continuous spontaneous localization model: Application to optomechanical experiments
J Nobakht, M Carlesso, S Donadi, M Paternostro, A Bassi
Physical Review A 98 (4), 042109, 2018
Quantum-limited estimation of continuous spontaneous localization
S McMillen, M Brunelli, M Carlesso, A Bassi, H Ulbricht, MGA Paris, ...
Physical Review A 95 (1), 012132, 2017
Opto-Mechanical Test of Collapse Models
M Carlesso, M Paternostro
Do Wave Functions Jump? Fundamental Theories of Physics 198, 205-2015, 2019
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Articles 1–20