Carlos Soria
Carlos Soria
Instituto de Automatica
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Cited by
Sliding mode neuro adaptive control in trajectory tracking for mobile robots
FG Rossomando, C Soria, R Carelli
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 74, 931-944, 2014
Towards a new modality-independent interface for a robotic wheelchair
TF Bastos-Filho, FA Cheein, SMT Müller, WC Celeste, C De La Cruz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22 (3 …, 2013
Identification and adaptive PID Control of a hexacopter UAV based on neural networks
C Rosales, CM Soria, FG Rossomando
International journal of Adaptive control and signal processing 33 (1), 74-91, 2019
Robust EMG sensing system based on data fusion for myoelectric control of a robotic arm
NM López, F di Sciascio, CM Soria, ME Valentinuzzi
Biomedical engineering online 8, 1-13, 2009
Autonomous mobile robots navigation using RBF neural compensator
FG Rossomando, C Soria, R Carelli
Control Engineering Practice 19 (3), 215-222, 2011
Stable AGV corridor navigation with fused vision-based control signals
R Carelli, C Soria, O Nasisi, E Freire
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society …, 2002
Identification and control of nonlinear dynamics of a mobile robot in discrete time using an adaptive technique based on neural PID
FG Rossomando, CM Soria
Neural Computing and Applications 26, 1179-1191, 2015
SLAM algorithm applied to robotics assistance for navigation in unknown environments
FA Auat Cheein, N Lopez, CM Soria, FA Di Sciascio, F Lobo Pereira, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 7, 1-16, 2010
Supervisory control for a telerobotic system: a hybrid control approach
CE Garcı́a, R Carelli, JF Postigo, C Soria
Control engineering practice 11 (7), 805-817, 2003
Aerial load transportation with multiple quadrotors based on a kinematic controller and a neural SMC dynamic compensation
F Rossomando, C Rosales, J Gimenez, L Salinas, C Soria, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 100, 519-530, 2020
Adaptive neural sliding mode control in discrete time for a SCARA robot arm
FG Rossomando, CM Soria
IEEE Latin america transactions 14 (6), 2556-2564, 2016
Vision-based tracking control for mobile robots
R Carelli, CM Soria, B Morales
ICAR'05. Proceedings., 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics …, 2005
Combined force and visual control of an industrial robot
R Carelli, E Oliva, C Soria, O Nasisi
Robotica 22 (2), 163-171, 2004
Design and implementation of adaptive neural PID for non linear dynamics in mobile robots
F Rossomando, C Soria
IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (4), 913-918, 2015
Neural network-based compensation control of mobile robots with partially known structure
FG Rossomando, C Soria, R Carelli
IET Control Theory & Applications 6 (12), 1851-1860, 2012
Switching visual servoing approach for stable corridor navigation
JM Toibero, CM Soria, F Roberti, R Carelli, P Fiorini
2009 International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 1-6, 2009
Neural adaptive PID control of a quadrotor using EFK
C Rosales, S Tosetti, C Soria, F Rossomando
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (11), 2722-2730, 2018
On the use of high-order cumulant and bispectrum for muscular-activity detection
E Orosco, P Diez, E Laciar, V Mut, C Soria, F Di Sciascio
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 18, 325-333, 2015
Adaptive trajectory tracking control for quadrotors with disturbances by using generalized regression neural networks
I Lopez-Sanchez, F Rossomando, R Pérez-Alcocer, C Soria, R Carelli, ...
Neurocomputing 460, 243-255, 2021
Self-tuning of a neuro-adaptive PID controller for a SCARA robot based on neural network
EO Freire, FG Rossomando, CM Soria
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (5), 1364-1374, 2018
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Articles 1–20