Wolfgang Müller
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Cited by
Heterogeneous Hadean hafnium: evidence of continental crust at 4.4 to 4.5 Ga
TM Harrison, J Blichert-Toft, W Muller, F Albarede, P Holden, SJ Mojzsis
Science 310 (5756), 1947-1950, 2005
Initial performance metrics of a new custom-designed ArF excimer LA-ICPMS system coupled to a two-volume laser-ablation cell
W Müller, M Shelley, P Miller, S Broude
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 24 (2), 209-214, 2009
Origin and migration of the Alpine Iceman
W Muller, H Fricke, AN Halliday, MT McCulloch, JA Wartho
Science 302 (5646), 862-866, 2003
Tectonothermal evolution of the internal Alps and Carpathians : evidence from 40Ar/39Ar mineral and whole-rock data
RD Dallmeyer, F Neubauer, F Handler, H Fritz, W Müller, D Pana, M Putis
Ecl. Geol. Helv. 89 (1), 203-227, 1996
North Atlantic storm track changes during the Last Glacial Maximum recorded by Alpine speleothems
M Luetscher, R Boch, H Sodemann, C Spötl, H Cheng, RL Edwards, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 6344, 2015
Volcanic ash layers illuminate the resilience of Neanderthals and early modern humans to natural hazards
J Lowe, N Barton, S Blockley, CB Ramsey, VL Cullen, W Davies, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (34), 13532-13537, 2012
Eocene greenhouse climate revealed by coupled clumped isotope-Mg/Ca thermometry
D Evans, N Sagoo, W Renema, LJ Cotton, W Müller, JA Todd, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (6), 1174-1179, 2018
Tracing the life history of individual barramundi using laser ablation MC-ICP-MS Sr-isotopic and Sr/Ba ratios in otoliths
M McCulloch, M Cappo, J Aumend, W Müller
Marine and Freshwater Research 56 (5), 637-644, 2005
Deep time foraminifera Mg/Ca paleothermometry: Nonlinear correction for secular change in seawater Mg/Ca
D Evans, W Muller
Paleoceanography 27 27, doi:10.1029/2012PA00231, 2012
Geochemistry of the Phlegraean Fields (Italy) proximal sources for major Mediterranean tephras: Implications for the dispersal of Plinian and co-ignimbritic components of …
EL Tomlinson, I Arienzo, L Civetta, S Wulf, VC Smith, M Hardiman, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 93, 102-128, 2012
Geochronological constraints on the evolution of the Periadriatic Fault System (Alps)
W Müller, G Prosser, NS Mancktelow, IM Villa, SP Kelley, G Viola, F Oberli
International Journal of Earth Sciences 90, 623-653, 2001
The DAV and Periadriatic fault systems in the Eastern Alps south of the Tauern window
NS Mancktelow, DF Stöckli, B Grollimund, W Müller, B Fügenschuh, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 90, 593-622, 2001
Rb–Sr microchrons of synkinematic mica in mylonites: an example from the DAV fault of the Eastern Alps
W Müller, NS Mancktelow, M Meier
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 180 (3-4), 385-397, 2000
Microanalysis of tephra by LA-ICP-MS—Strategies, advantages and limitations assessed using the Thorsmörk ignimbrite (Southern Iceland)
EL Tomlinson, T Thordarson, W Müller, M Thirlwall, MA Menzies
Chemical Geology 279 (3-4), 73-89, 2010
Isotopic dating of strain fringe increments: duration and rates of deformation in shear zones
W Muller, D Aerden, AN Halliday
Science 288 (5474), 2195-2198, 2000
Lombards on the move–an integrative study of the migration period cemetery at Szólád, Hungary
KW Alt, C Knipper, D Peters, W Müller, AF Maurer, I Kollig, N Nicklisch, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e110793, 2014
Planktic foraminifera shell chemistry response to seawater chemistry: Pliocene–Pleistocene seawater Mg/Ca, temperature and sea level change
D Evans, C Brierley, ME Raymo, J Erez, W Müller
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 438, 139-148, 2016
Mg/Ca-temperature and seawater-test chemistry relationships in the shallow-dwelling large benthic foraminifera Operculina ammonoides
D Evans, J Erez, S Oron, W Müller
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 148, 325-342, 2015
Strengthening the link between geochronology, textures and petrology
W Müller
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 206 (3-4), 237-251, 2003
Regional temperature, atmospheric circulation, and sea-ice variability within the Younger Dryas Event constrained using a speleothem from northern Iberia
LM Baldini, F McDermott, JUL Baldini, P Arias, M Cueto, IJ Fairchild, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 419, 101-110, 2015
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Articles 1–20