Richard Kopak
Richard Kopak
School of Information, UBC
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Cited by
On the measurability of information quality
O Arazy, R Kopak
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 (1 …, 2011
The effects of textual environment on reading comprehension: Implications for searching as learning
L Freund, R Kopak, H O’Brien
Journal of Information Science 42 (1), 79-93, 2016
The effect of task domain on search.
EG Toms, L Freund, R Kopak, JC Bartlett
CASCON, 303-312, 2003
Searching for relevance in the relevance of search
EG Toms, HL O’Brien, R Kopak, L Freund
International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Sciences …, 2005
Functional link typing in hypertext
RW Kopak
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 31 (4es), 16-es, 1999
Heuristic principles and differential judgments in the assessment of information quality
O Arazy, R Kopak, I Hadar
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 18 (5), 1, 2017
An interactive reading environment for online scholarly journals: The Open Journal Systems Reading Tools
R Kopak, CN Chiang
OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives 25 (2 …, 2009
Investigating the role of user engagement in digital reading environments
HL O'Brien, L Freund, R Kopak
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on conference on human information interaction …, 2016
A taxonomy of functional units for information use of scholarly journal articles
L Zhang, R Kopak, L Freund, E Rasmussen
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2010
The impact of text browsing on text retrieval performance
RC Bodner, MH Chignell, N Charoenkitkarn, G Golovchinsky, RW Kopak
Information processing & management 37 (3), 507-520, 2001
Selecting Versus Describing: A Preliminary Analysis of the Efficacy of Categories in Exploring the Web.
EG Toms, RW Kopak, JC Bartlett, L Freund
TREC, 2001
A taxonomy of link types for use in hypertext
RW Kopak
Making functional units functional: The role of rhetorical structure in use of scholarly journal articles
L Zhang, R Kopak, L Freund, E Rasmussen
International Journal of Information Management 31 (1), 21-29, 2011
Annotating and linking in the Open Journal Systems
R Kopak, CN Chiang
First Monday, 2007
Getting the big picture: supporting comprehension and learning in search
L Freund, H O’Brien, R Kopak
Workshop on Search as Learning (SAL) 2014, 2014
Digital information interaction as semantic navigation
R Kopak, L Freund, HL O’Brien
Innovations in IR: Perspectives for theory and practice, 117-134, 2011
Bibliographic displays and Web catalogues: user evaluations of three prototype displays
RW Kopak, JM Cherry
The Electronic Library 16 (5), 309-323, 1998
On Measuring Learning in Search: A Position Paper.
L Freund, S Dodson, R Kopak
SAL@ SIGIR, 2016
Open Access and the Open Journal Systems: Making Sense All Over
R Kopak
School Libraries Worldwide 14 (2), 45, 2008
A proposal for a taxonomy of functional link types
RW Kopak
ACM Computing Surveys 31 (4), 1999
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Articles 1–20