Helle Pedersen
Helle Pedersen
ISTerre , Université Grenoble-Alpes
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Ground-motion amplitude across ridges
H Pedersen, B Le Brun, D Hatzfeld, M Campillo, PY Bard
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 84 (6), 1786-1800, 1994
Body-wave imaging of Earth’s mantle discontinuities from ambient seismic noise
P Poli, M Campillo, H Pedersen, LAPNET Working Group
Science 338 (6110), 1063-1065, 2012
Characterization of surface cracks with Rayleigh waves: a numerical model
G Hevin, O Abraham, HA Pedersen, M Campillo
NDT & E International 31 (4), 289-297, 1998
Three-dimensional scattering by two-dimensional topographies
HA Pedersen, FJ Sanchez-Sesma, M Campillo
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 84 (4), 1169-1183, 1994
Emergence of body waves from cross-correlation of short period seismic noise
P Poli, HA Pedersen, M Campillo
Geophysical Journal International 188 (2), 549-558, 2012
Teleseismic correlations of ambient seismic noise for deep global imaging of the Earth
P Boué, P Poli, M Campillo, H Pedersen, X Briand, P Roux
Geophysical Journal International 194 (2), 844-848, 2013
Changes in the lithospheric structure across the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone inferred from dispersion of Rayleigh waves
HA Pedersen, M Campillo, N Balling
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 128 (1-2), 37-46, 1994
A strong seismic velocity contrast in the shallow mantle across the Zagros collision zone (Iran)
A Kaviani, A Paul, E Bourova, D Hatzfeld, H Pedersen, M Mokhtari
Geophysical Journal International 171 (1), 399-410, 2007
Monitoring ground water storage at mesoscale using seismic noise: 30 years of continuous observation and thermo-elastic and hydrological modeling
T Lecocq, L Longuevergne, HA Pedersen, F Brenguier, K Stammler
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14241, 2017
High-resolution surface wave tomography beneath the Aegean-Anatolia region: constraints on upper-mantle structure
G Salaün, HA Pedersen, A Paul, V Farra, H Karabulut, D Hatzfeld, ...
Geophysical Journal International 190 (1), 406-420, 2012
Influence of the seismic noise characteristics on noise correlations in the Baltic shield
HA Pedersen, F Krüger
Geophysical Journal International 168 (1), 197-210, 2007
Complex lithospheric structure under the central Baltic Shield from surface wave tomography
M Bruneton, HA Pedersen, V Farra, NT Arndt, P Vacher, U Achauer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B10), 2004
High-Resolution body wave tomography beneath the SVEKALAPKO array : II. Anomalous upper mantle structure beneath central Baltic Shield
S Sandoval, E Kissling, J Ansorge, the SVEKALAPKO STWG
Geophysical Journal International 157, 200-214, 2004
Determination of the crustal structure in southern Tibet by dispersion and amplitude analysis of Rayleigh waves
N Cotte, H Pedersen, M Campillo, J Mars, JF Ni, R Kind, E Sandvol, ...
Geophysical Journal International 138 (3), 809-819, 1999
Sharp contrast in lithospheric structure across the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone as inferred by Rayleigh wave analysis of TOR1 project data
N Cotte, HA Pedersen, TOR Working Group
Tectonophysics 360 (1), 75-88, 2002
Belt-parallel mantle flow beneath a halted continental collision: The Western Alps
G Barruol, M Bonnin, H Pedersen, GHR Bokelmann, C Tiberi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 302 (3), 429-438, 2011
Summary of project TOR : delineation of a stepwise sharp, deep lithosphere transition across Germany-Denmark-Sweden
S Gregersen, P Voss, TORW Group
Tectonophysics 360, 61-73, 2002
Non-linear body wave teleseismic tomography along the TOR array
ZH Shomali, RGTORWG Roberts
geophysical journal international 148, 562-574, 2002
Receiver function analysis of the crust and upper mantle from the North German Basin to the Archean Baltic Shield
A Alinaghi, G Bock, R Kind, W Hanka, K Wylegalla, TORS groups
Geophysical Journal International 155, 641-652, 2003
3D density model of the crust of southern and central Finland obtained from joint interpretation of SVEKALAPKO crustal P-wave velocity model and gravity data
E Kozlovskaya, S Elo, SE Hjelt, J Yliniemi, M Pirttijarvi, S STWG
Geophysical Journal International 158, 827-848, 2004
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Articles 1–20