Cleber Jorge Amaral
Cited by
Cited by
Jacamo-web is on the fly: an interactive Multi-Agent System IDE
CJ Amaral, JF Hübner
7th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2019), 2019
Towards jacamo-rest: a resource-oriented abstraction for managing multi-agent systems
CJ Amaral, JF Hübner, T Kampik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05619, 2020
A Framework for Collaborative and Interactive Agent-oriented Developer Operations.
CJ Amaral, T Kampik, S Cranefield
AAMAS, 2092-2094, 2020
TDD for AOP: Test-Driven Development for Agent-Oriented Programming.
CJ Amaral, JF Hübner, T Kampik
AAMAS, 3038-3040, 2023
Goorg: Automated organisational chart design for open multi-agent systems
CJ Amaral, JF Hübner
Highlights of Practical Applications of Survivable Agents and Multi-Agent …, 2019
MAS4SSP: a multi-agent reference architecture for the configuration and monitoring of small series production lines
ML Roloff, CJ Amaral, ME Stivanello, MR Stemmer
2016 12th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), 1-7, 2016
Developer Operations and Engineering Multi-agent Systems
T Kampik, CJ Amaral, JF Hübner
International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, 175-186, 2021
Agent programming for industrial applications: Some advantages and drawbacks
OA Matoso, L Lampert, JF Hübner, M Conceiçao, SP Bernardes, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05613, 2020
Giving camel to artifacts for Industry 4.0 integration challenges
CJ Amaral, S Cranefield, JF Hübner, ML Roloff
Advances in Practical Applications of Survivable Agents and Multi-Agent …, 2019
Generating and Choosing Organizations for Multi-Agent Systems - Extended Abstract
CJ Amaral, JF Hübner, S Cranefield
23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems …, 2024
Integrating Industrial Artifacts and Agents Through Apache Camel
CJ Amaral, S Cranefield, JF Hübner, ML Roloff
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.11694, 2020
Finding new routes for integrating Multi-Agent Systems using Apache Camel
CJ Amaral, SP Bernardes, M Conceição, JF Hubner, LPA Lampert, ...
13th Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications - WESAAC 2019, 2019
From Goals to Organisations: automated organisation generator for MAS
CJ Amaral, JF Hübner
7th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2019), 2019
JaCaMo Builders: Team Description for the Multi-agent Programming Contest 2020/21
CJ Amaral, VLB Furio, R Zagre Junior, T Kampik, M de Brito, MR Zatelli, ...
The Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2021: One-and-a-Half Decades of …, 2021
Embedding multi-agent system frameworks: A benchmarking
CJ Amaral
Anais do Computer on the Beach 9, 939-941, 2018
Development of a MultiAgent System in the Industry 4.0 Context - Using JaCaMo and Apache Camel
CJ Amaral, S Cranefield, ML Roloff
Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia de Fabricação, 2017
GoOrg: a model to automatically design organisations for multi-agent systems
CJ Amaral
Descoberta de tamanho de mapas ilimitados através da cooperação entre agentes BDI
VLB Furio, M de Brito, TL Schmitz, CJ Amaral, RZ Junior, MR Zatelli, ...
Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, seus Ambientes e Aplicações (WESAAC …, 2021
Agent Programming for Industrial Applications: Some Advantages and Drawbacks
O Arruda Matoso, L Lampert, JF Hübner, SP Bernardes, CJ Amaral, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2006.05613, 2020
Desempenho de Modulações Digitais Utilizando Subsistemas SDR
LL Vieira, ML Theisges, CJ Amaral
Anais do Computer on the Beach 8, 510-511, 2017
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Articles 1–20