Nguyen-Khang PHAM
Cited by
Cited by
Classifying very-high-dimensional data with random forests of oblique decision trees
TN Do, P Lenca, S Lallich, NK Pham
Advances in knowledge discovery and management, 39-55, 2010
A comparison of different off-centered entropies to deal with class imbalance for decision trees
P Lenca, S Lallich, TN Do, NK Pham
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 12th Pacific-Asia …, 2008
Stacking of SVMs for classifying intangible cultural heritage images
TN Do, TP Pham, NK Pham, HH Nguyen, K Tabia, S Benferhat
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2020
Using local node information in decision trees: coupling a local decision rule with an off-centered entropy
NK Pham, TN Do, P Lenca, S Lallich
International Conference on Data Mining, 14-17 July 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada …, 2008
Handwritten digit recognition using GIST descriptors and random oblique decision trees
TN Do, NK Pham
The National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED …, 2014
Modeling and design exploration of a tensegrity-based twisting wing
NK Pham, EA Peraza Hernandez
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 13 (3), 031019, 2021
An automatic extraction tool for ethnic Vietnamese Thai dances concepts
TT Ma, S Benferhat, Z Bouraoui, K Tabia, TN Do, NK Pham
2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications …, 2019
Accelerating image retrieval using factorial correspondence analysis on GPU
NK Pham, A Morin, P Gros
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 13th International Conference …, 2009
Une nouvelle approche pour la recherche d'images par le contenu.
NK Pham, A Morin
EGC, 475-486, 2008
Interactive exploration of decision tree results
NK Pham, TN Do, F Poulet, A Morin
Applied Stochastic Model and Data Analysis International Conference (ASMDA …, 2007
Analyse factorielle des correspondances hiérarchique pour la fouille d'images.
NK Pham, A Morin, F Poulet, P Gros
EGC, 161-172, 2011
High dimensional image categorization
F Poulet, NK Pham
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 6th International Conference, ADMA …, 2010
Treeview, exploration interactive des arbres de décision
NK Pham, TN Do, F Poulet, A Morin
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série RIA: Revue d …, 2008
Un nouvel algorithme de forêts aléatoires d'arbres obliques particulièrement adapté à la classification de données en grandes dimensions
TN Do, S Lallich, NK Pham, P Lenca
EGC 2009: Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 27-30 janvier, Strasbourg …, 2009
Factorial correspondence analysis for image retrieval
NK Pham, A Morin, P Gros, QT Le
2008 IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for …, 2008
Intensive use of correspondence analysis for large scale content-based image retrieval
NK Pham, A Morin, P Gros, QT Le
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management, 57-76, 2010
Utilisation de l'analyse factorielle des correspondances pour la recherche d'images à grande échelle.
NK Pham, A Morin, P Gros, QT Le
EGC, 283-294, 2009
CAViz, an interactive graphical tool for image mining
NK Pham, A Morin, P Gros
Journal of computing and information technology 16 (4), 295-302, 2008
Boosting of factorial correspondence analysis for image retrieval
NK Pham, A Morin, P Gros
2008 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 224-229, 2008
Intensive use of factorial correspondence analysis for large scale content-based image retrieval
NK Pham, A Morin, P Gros, QT Le
Advances in knowledge discovery and management, AKDM 9, 57-76, 0
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Articles 1–20