Evan Hjerpe
Evan Hjerpe
Conservation Economics Institute
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Cited by
Human dimensions of ecological restoration: integrating science, nature, and culture
E Higgs
Island Press, 2012
Regional economic impacts of Grand Canyon river runners
EE Hjerpe, YS Kim
Journal of environmental management 85 (1), 137-149, 2007
Socioeconomic barriers and the role of biomass utilization in southwestern ponderosa pine restoration
E Hjerpe, J Abrams, DR Becker
Ecological Restoration 27 (2), 169-177, 2009
Outdoor recreation as a sustainable export industry: A case study of the boundary waters wilderness
EE Hjerpe
Ecological Economics 146, 60-68, 2018
Valuing type and scope of ecosystem conservation: A meta-analysis
E Hjerpe, A Hussain, S Phillips
Journal of Forest Economics 21 (1), 32-50, 2015
Why people matter in ecological restoration
D Egan, EE Hjerpe, J Abrams
Human dimensions of ecological restoration: integrating science, nature, and …, 2011
Economic impacts of southwestern national forest fuels reductions
EE Hjerpe, YS Kim
Journal of Forestry 106 (6), 311-316, 2008
Amenity migration and public lands: Rise of the protected areas
E Hjerpe, A Hussain, T Holmes
Environmental Management 66 (1), 56-71, 2020
Forest density preferences of homebuyers in the wildland-urban interface
E Hjerpe, YS Kim, L Dunn
Forest Policy and Economics 70, 56-66, 2016
Willingness to pay for ecosystem conservation in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest: A choice modeling study
EE Hjerpe, A Hussain
Ecology and Society 21 (2), 2016
A synthesis of the economic values of wilderness
TP Holmes, JM Bowker, J Englin, E Hjerpe, JB Loomis, S Phillips, ...
Journal of Forestry 114 (3), 320-328, 2016
Social and economic contributions of the White Mountain Stewardship Project: final 10-year assessment—lessons learned and implications for future forest management initiatives
A Mottek Lucas, YS Kim, B Greco, DR Becker, EE Hjerpe, J Abrams
Journal of Forestry 115 (6), 548-558, 2017
National and community market contributions of Wilderness
E Hjerpe, T Holmes, E White
Society & Natural Resources 30 (3), 265-280, 2017
Breaking barriers, building bridges: collaborative forest landscape restoration handbook
T Dubay, D Egan, EE Hjerpe, W Selig, D Brewer, D Coelho, Z Wurtzebach, ...
Ecological Restoration Institute, 2013
Amenity-based development and protected areas in the American West
E Hjerpe, CA Armatas, M Haefele
Land Use Policy 116, 106064, 2022
Merging economics and ecology in ecological restoration
YS Kim, EE Hjerpe
Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration: Integrating Science, Nature, and …, 2011
Measuring the long-term costs of uncharacteristic wildfire: a case study of the 2010 Schultz Fire in Northern Arizona
EE Hjerpe, MM Colavito, CM Edgeley, JT Burnett, T Combrink, D Vosick, ...
International journal of wildland fire 32 (10), 1474-1486, 2023
Full-Cost Accounting Remeasurement of the 2010 Schultz Fire: Understanding the Long-Term Socio-Economic Implications of High-Severity Wildfire and Post-Wildfire Flooding. ERI …
MM Colavito, T Combrink, E Hjerpe, C Edgeley, J Burnett, ...
Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University) Available at …, 2021
Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration
R Kimmerer, D Egan, EE Hjerpe, J Abrams
Egan, DH, EE, 2011
Economics of forest restoration and fuels reduction programs in the Southwest
EE Hjerpe
ProQuest, 2006
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Articles 1–20