Aiwei Tian
Cited by
Cited by
Sorting of lipids and proteins in membrane curvature gradients
A Tian, T Baumgart
Biophysical journal 96 (7), 2676-2688, 2009
Spotted vesicles, striped micelles and Janus assemblies induced by ligand binding
DA Christian, A Tian, WG Ellenbroek, I Levental, K Rajagopal, PA Janmey, ...
Nature materials 8 (10), 843-849, 2009
Line tension at fluid membrane domain boundaries measured by micropipette aspiration
A Tian, C Johnson, W Wang, T Baumgart
Physical review letters 98 (20), 208102, 2007
Dynamic sorting of lipids and proteins in membrane tubes with a moving phase boundary
M Heinrich, A Tian, C Esposito, T Baumgart
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (16), 7208-7213, 2010
Flicker spectroscopy of thermal lipid bilayer domain boundary fluctuations
C Esposito, A Tian, S Melamed, C Johnson, SY Tee, T Baumgart
Biophysical journal 93 (9), 3169-3181, 2007
Bending stiffness depends on curvature of ternary lipid mixture tubular membranes
A Tian, BR Capraro, C Esposito, T Baumgart
Biophysical journal 97 (6), 1636-1646, 2009
Membrane cholesterol is a biomechanical regulator of neutrophil adhesion
H Oh, ER Mohler III, A Tian, T Baumgart, SL Diamond
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 29 (9), 1290-1297, 2009
Quantifying membrane curvature generation of Drosophila amphiphysin N-BAR domains
MC Heinrich, BR Capraro, A Tian, JM Isas, R Langen, T Baumgart
The journal of physical chemistry letters 1 (23), 3401-3406, 2010
Prediction of collective diffusion coefficient of bovine serum albumin in aqueous electrolyte solution with hard-core two-Yukawa potential
YX Yu, AW Tian, GH Gao
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 7 (12), 2423-2428, 2005
Mechanical stability of micropipet-aspirated giant vesicles with fluid phase coexistence
S Das, A Tian, T Baumgart
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (37), 11625-11630, 2008
Polymersomes and wormlike micelles made fluorescent by direct modifications of block copolymer amphiphiles
K Rajagopal, DA Christian, T Harada, A Tian, DE Discher
International Journal of Polymer Science 2010 (1), 379286, 2010
The role of Cell Penetrating Peptides (CPPs) in membrane lipid phase behavior: a novel aspect elucidating peptide-mediated delivery
C Esposito, AW Tian, M Scrima, K Kieres, P Campiglia, AM D'Ursi, ...
Peptides for Youth: The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium …, 2009
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