Leroy Dorman
Leroy Dorman
Professor of Geophysics, Emeritus
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Climate-ocean variability and ecosystem response in the Northeast Pacific
JA McGowan, DR Cayan, LRM Dorman
Science 281 (5374), 210-217, 1998
Experimental isostasy: 1. Theory of the determination of the Earth's isostatic response to a concentrated load
LRM Dorman, BTR Lewis
Journal of Geophysical Research 75 (17), 3357-3365, 1970
Imaging the deep seismic structure beneath a mid-ocean ridge: The MELT experiment
TMS Team
Science 280 (5367), 1215-1218, 1998
A complex pattern of mantle flow in the Lau backarc
GP Smith, DA Wiens, KM Fischer, LM Dorman, SC Webb, JA Hildebrand
Science 292 (5517), 713-716, 2001
Depth extent of the Lau back-arc spreading center and its relation to subduction processes
D Zhao, Y Xu, DA Wiens, LR Dorman, J Hildebrand, S Webb
Science 278 (5336), 254-257, 1997
Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves in the MELT experiment on the East Pacific Rise
DW Forsyth, SC Webb, LRM Dorman, Y Shen
Science 280 (5367), 1235-1238, 1998
Experimental isostasy: 2. An isostatic model for the USA derived from gravity and topographic data
BTR Lewis, LRM Dorman
Journal of Geophysical Research 75 (17), 3367-3386, 1970
Geodetic and seismic constraints on some seismogenic zone processes in Costa Rica
E Norabuena, TH Dixon, S Schwartz, H DeShon, A Newman, M Protti, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B11), 2004
Structure of the East Pacific Rise from an ocean bottom seismometer survey
JA Orcutt, BLN Kennett, LRM Dorman
Geophysical Journal International 45 (2), 305-320, 1976
Correlated transient fluid pulsing and seismic tremor in the Costa Rica subduction zone
KM Brown, MD Tryon, HR DeShon, LRM Dorman, SY Schwartz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (1-2), 189-203, 2005
Evidence for two fossil spreading ridges in the southeast Pacific
J Mammerickx, E Herron, L Dorman
Geological Society of America Bulletin 91 (5), 263-271, 1980
Seismogenic zone structure beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, from three-dimensional local earthquake P- and S-wave tomography
HR DeShon, SY Schwartz, AV Newman, V González, M Protti, ...
Geophysical Journal International 164 (1), 109-124, 2006
Seismic attenuation tomography of the Tonga‐Fiji region using phase pair methods
EG Roth, DA Wiens, LM Dorman, J Hildebrand, SC Webb
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B3), 4795-4809, 1999
Along‐strike variability in the seismogenic zone below Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
AV Newman, SY Schwartz, V Gonzalez, HR Deshon, JM Protti, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (20), 38-1-38-4, 2002
Seismicity and tectonics of the South Shetland Islands and Bransfield Strait from a regional broadband seismograph deployment
SD Robertson Maurice, DA Wiens, PJ Shore, E Vera, LRM Dorman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B10), 2003
Tonga Ridge and Lau Basin crustal structure from seismic refraction data
WC Crawford, JA Hildebrand, LRM Dorman, SC Webb, DA Wiens
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B4), 2003
Evolution of oceanic crust: 1. A physical model of the East Pacific Rise crest derived from seismic refraction data
BR Rosendahl, RW Raitt, LM Dorman, LD Bibee, DM Hussong, GH Sutton
Journal of Geophysical Research 81 (29), 5294-5304, 1976
Seismogenic zone structure of the southern Middle America trench, Costa Rica
HR DeShon, SY Schwartz, SL Bilek, LM Dorman, V Gonzalez, JM Protti, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B10), 2003
Structure of the lower crust beneath the Carolina Trough, US Atlantic continental margin
AM Tréhu, A Ballard, LM Dorman, JF Gettrust, KD Klitgord, A Schreiner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 94 (B8), 10585-10600, 1989
Location of instruments on the seafloor by joint adjustment of instrument and ship positions
KC Creager, LRM Dorman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 87 (B10), 8379-8388, 1982
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Articles 1–20