Michael Tsyrulnikov
Michael Tsyrulnikov
HydroMeteorological Centre of Russia (HydroMetCenter)
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An update on THORPEX-related research in data assimilation and observing strategies
F Rabier, P Gauthier, C Cardinali, R Langland, M Tsyrulnikov, A Lorenc, ...
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 15 (1), 81-94, 2008
FROST-2014: The Sochi Winter Olympics International Project
D Kiktev, P Joe, GA Isaac, A Montani, IL Frogner, P Nurmi, B Bica, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (9), 1908-1929, 2017
An ocean data assimilation system and reanalysis of the world ocean hydrophysical fields
AA Zelenko, RM Vil’fand, YD Resnyanskii, BS Strukov, MD Tsyrulnikov, ...
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 52, 443-454, 2016
A limited-area spatio-temporal stochastic pattern generator for simulation of uncertainties in ensemble applications
M Tsyrulnikov, D Gayfulin
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 26 (5), 549-566, 2017
The usage of MTVZA-GYa satellite microwave radiometer observations in the data assimilation system of the Hydrometcenter of Russia
DR Gayfulin, MD Tsyrulnikov, AB Uspensky, EK Kramchaninova, ...
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 42 (9), 564-573, 2017
A Hierarchical Bayes Ensemble Kalman Filter
M Tsyrulnikov, A Rakitko
Physica D (Nonlinear Phenomena) 338 (doi:10.1016/j.physd.2016.07.009), 1-16, 2017
Stochastic modelling of model errors: A simulation study
MD Tsyrulnikov
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2005
Development of forecasting technologies for meteorological support of the Sochi-2014 Winter Olympic Games
DB Kiktev, ED Astakhova, DV Blinov, RB Zaripov, AV Murav’ev, GS Rivin, ...
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 38, 653-660, 2013
Assessment and Adaptive Correction of Observations in Atmospheric Sounding Channels of the Satellite Microwave Radiometer MTVZA-GY
D Gayfulin, M Tsyrulnikov, A Uspensky
Pure and Applied Geophysics 175 (10), 3653–3670, 2018
Estimation of multivariate observation-error statistics for AMSU-A data
VE Gorin, MD Tsyrulnikov
Monthly Weather Review 139 (12), 3765-3780, 2011
Development of a variable-resolution global data assimilation system
MD Tsyrulnikov, AN Bagrov, RB Zaripov, MA Tolstykh
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 1-14, 2003
Proportionality of scales: An isotropy‐like property of geophysical fields
MD Tsyroulnikov
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 127 (578), 2741-2760, 2001
FROST-2014 Project and Meteorological Support of the Sochi-2014 Olympics
DB Kiktev, ED Astakhova, RB Zaripov, AV Murav'ev, AV Smirnov, ...
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 40 (8), 504-512, 2015
Monitoring of large-scale structure of hydrophysical fields in the ocean
AA Zelen’ko, YD Resnyansky, MD Tsyrulnikov, BS Strukov, PI Svirenko
Current Problems of Oceanic and Atmospheric Dynamics, 131-172, 2010
Development of the data assimilation scheme of the hydrometcentre of Russia
MD Tsyrulnikov, PI Svirenko, DR Gayfulin, ME Gorbunov, AB Uspensky
Proc. of Hydrometcentre of Russia 4 (374), 112-126, 2019
A New Technology of Objective Analysis Based on the 3D-VAR Scheme
MD Tsyrulnikov, PI Svirenko, VE Gorin, ME Gorbunov, AL Ordin, ...
Roshydromet Informational Collected Papers No. 39 “Results of Testing New …, 2012
Statistical structure of spatial variability of the ocean thermohaline fields from Argo profiling data, 2005–2007
YD Resnyanskii, MD Tsyrulnikov, BS Strukov, AA Zelenko
Oceanology 50, 149-165, 2010
Observing System Simulation Experiments: Justifying new Arctic observation capabilities
M Masutani, L Garand, W Lahoz, LP Riishojgaard, E Andersson, ...
http://www.lib.ncep.noaa.gov/ncepofficen, 2013
Разработка схемы трехмерного вариационного усвоения данных в Гидрометцентре России
МД Цырульников, ПИ Свиренко, ВЕ Горин, МЕ Горбунов, ЕГ Климова
80 лет Гидрометцентру России, 21-35, 2010
Развитие оперативного объективного анализа в Гидрометцентре России
АН Багров, ЕА Локтионова, МД Цырульников
Труды Гидрометцентра России, 19-30, 2000
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