Bill Manaris
Cited by
Cited by
Bloom's taxonomy revisited: specifying assessable learning objectives in computer science
CW Starr, B Manaris, RAH Stalvey
ACM Sigcse Bulletin 40 (1), 261-265, 2008
Zipf's law, music classification, and aesthetics
B Manaris, J Romero, P Machado, D Krehbiel, T Hirzel, W Pharr, ...
Computer Music Journal 29 (1), 55-69, 2005
Experiments in computational aesthetics: An iterative approach to stylistic change in evolutionary art
P Machado, J Romero, B Manaris
The art of artificial evolution: a handbook on evolutionary art and music …, 2008
Natural language processing: A human-computer interaction perspective
B Manaris
Advances in Computers 47, 1-66, 1998
Evolutionary music and the Zipf-Mandelbrot law: Developing fitness functions for pleasant music
B Manaris, D Vaughan, C Wagner, J Romero, RB Davis
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2003: EvoBIO, EvoCOP …, 2003
A Corpus-Based Hybrid Approach to Music Analysis and Composition
JR B. Manaris, P. Roos, P. Machado, D. Krehbiel, L
22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), 839-845, 2007
Incorporating human-computer interaction into the undergraduate computer science curriculum
S Douglas, M Tremaine, L Leventhal, CE Wills, B Manaris
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 34 (1), 211-212, 2002
Adaptive critics for evolutionary artists
P Machado, J Romero, ML Santos, A Cardoso, B Manaris
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2004: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET …, 2004
Making music with computers: Creative programming in Python
B Manaris, AR Brown
CRC Press, 2014
Monterey mirror: combining Markov models, genetic algorithms, and power laws
B Manaris, D Hughes, Y Vassilandonakis
Computer Science Department, College of Charleston, SC, USA, appearred in …, 2011
SUITEKeys: A speech understanding interface for the motor-control challenged
B Manaris, A Harkreader
Proceedings of the third international ACM conference on Assistive …, 1998
Interactive natural language processing: building on success
BZ Manaris, BM Slator
Computer 29 (07), 28-32, 1996
JythonMusic: An environment for teaching algorithmic music composition, dynamic coding and musical performativity
B Manaris, B Stevens, AR Brown
Journal of Music, Technology & Education 9 (1), 33-56, 2016
An intelligent interface for keyboard and mouse control
B Manaris, R McCauley, V MacGyvers
Proc. 14th Int’l Florida AI Research Symposium (FLAIRS-01), 182-188, 2001
Strategies for effective integration of software engineering concepts and techniques into the undergraduate computer science curriculum
U Jackson, BZ Manaris, RA McCauley
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 29 (1), 360-364, 1997
Developing fitness functions for pleasant music: Zipf’s law and interactive evolution systems
B Manaris, P Machado, C McCauley, J Romero, D Krehbiel
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkkshops 2005: EvoBIO …, 2005
Progress towards recognizing and classifying beautiful music with computers-MIDI-encoded music and the Zipf-Mandelbrot law
B Manaris, T Purewal, C McCormick
Proceedings IEEE SoutheastCon 2002 (Cat. No. 02CH37283), 52-57, 2002
Power to the critics—A framework for the development of artificial art critics
P Machado, J Romero, B Manaris, A Santos, A Cardoso
Third Workshop on Creative Systems: Approaches to Creativity in Artificial …, 2003
Tell Me What's Wrong: A Python IDE with Error Messages
T Kohn, B Manaris
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2020
Investigating Esperanto's Statistical Proportions Relative to other Languages using Neural Networks and Zipf's Law.
BZ Manaris, L Pellicoro, GJ Pothering, H Hodges
Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 102-108, 2006
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Articles 1–20