Jonathan P. Stewart
Jonathan P. Stewart
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
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Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
SL Kramer, JP Stewart
Taylor & Francis, New York, NY. 1060 pages., 2024
NGA-West2 equations for predicting PGA, PGV, and 5%-damped PSA for shallow crustal earthquakes
DM Boore, JP Stewart, E Seyhan, GM Atkinson
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 1057-1085, 2014
NGA-West2 database
TD Ancheta, RB Darragh, JP Stewart, E Seyhan, WJ Silva, BSJ Chiou, ...
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 989-1005, 2014
PEER NGA-West2 database
TD Ancheta, RB Darragh, JP Stewart, E Seyhan, WJ Silva, BSJ Chiou, ...
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 2013
NGA-West2 research project
Y Bozorgnia, NA Abrahamson, L Al-Atik, TD Ancheta, GM Atkinson, ...
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 973-987, 2014
CPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of in situ seismic soil liquefaction potential
RES Moss, RB Seed, RE Kayen, JP Stewart, A Kiureghian, KO Cetin
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 132 (8), 1032-1051, 2006
Evaluation of the seismic performance of a code‐conforming reinforced‐concrete frame building—from seismic hazard to collapse safety and economic losses
CA Goulet, CB Haselton, J Mitrani‐Reiser, JL Beck, GG Deierlein, ...
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 36 (13), 1973-1997, 2007
Ground motion evaluation procedures for performance-based design
JP Stewart, BSJ Chiou, JD Bray, RW Graves, PG Somerville, ...
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 2001
Improvement of nonlinear static seismic analysis procedures
Applied Technology Council, Redwood Shores, CA; Federal Emergency Management …, 2005
Ground motion evaluation procedures for performance-based design
JP Stewart, SJ Chiou, JD Bray, RW Graves, PG Somerville, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (9), 765-772, 2002
Seismic soil-structure interaction in buildings. I: Analytical aspects
JP Stewart, GL Fenves, RB Seed
Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering 125 (1), 26-37, 1999
Seismic soil-structure interaction in buildings. II: Empirical findings
JP Stewart, RB Seed, GL Fenves
Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering 125 (1), 38-48, 1999
Soil-structure interaction for building structures
NCJ Venture, JP Stewart (Project Director)
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 1 (NIST GCR …, 2012
Prediction equations for significant duration of earthquake ground motions considering site and near-source effects
JJ Kempton, JP Stewart
Earthquake Spectra 22 (4), 985-1013, 2006
Use of exact solutions of wave propagation problems to guide implementation of nonlinear seismic ground response analysis procedures
AOL Kwok, JP Stewart, Y Hashash, N Matasovic, R Pyke, Z Wang, Z Yang
Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering 133 (11), 1385-1398, 2007
Semi-empirical nonlinear site amplification from NGA-West 2 data and simulations
E Seyhan, JP Stewart
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 1241-1256, 2014
Nonlinear site amplification as function of 30 m shear wave velocity
Y Choi, JP Stewart
Earthquake Spectra 21 (1), 1-30, 2005
An assessment to benchmark the seismic performance of a code-conforming reinforced-concrete moment-frame building
CB Haselton, CA Goulet, J Mitrani-Reiser, JL Beck, GG Deierlein, ...
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 2007
Guidelines for performance-based seismic design of tall buildings
Y Bozorgnia, CB Crouse, RO Hamburger, R Klemencic, H Krawinkler, ...
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, UC Berkeley (headquarters), 2010
Subsurface characterization at ground failure sites in Adapazari, Turkey
JD Bray, RB Sancio, T Durgunoglu, A Onalp, TL Youd, JP Stewart, ...
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 130 (7), 673-685, 2004
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Articles 1–20